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four years ago i was different
than what i am now. i was young,
naive, unaware of the dangers
the world can bring. but then you
came along. and you became the
most dangerous thing i knew.

 and you became themost dangerous thing i knew

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To be a Rossi means you need a certain amount of rebelliousness in you. A certain amount of sass, of attitude, and of style.

David Rossi could certainly say that his daughter inherited all those traits from him. Her extremely rebellious teenage years could account for that. That, and the fact that she moved to Sicily with her best friend, Luca Barone, a year into medical school in Chicago.

He hadn't seen her since his last visit up there, almost a year ago now. He knew she was planning on coming to the states, but just didn't know when. Or why. Sure, he was one reason, but Amalia Rossi always had multiple justifications for her actions.

Imagine his surprise when he pulled into the driveway of his mansion and saw another car already parked outside his garage. Or when he entered the house and heard loud shrieks of laughter from the kitchen—the unmistakeable sound that could only be his daughters giggles eased his worries about a possible intruder as he made his way to the kitchen.

Amalia jumped up from her seat at the kitchen island as soon as she saw him.

"Dad! You're home." She smiled as she pulled him in for a hug.

"I am. What are you doing home?" Rossi asked, a bright smile on his face as he took in the sight of his eldest daughter.

"Mia got a spot in a residency in LA, but it's not starting for another three months, so she dragged me home with her." Luca appeared from the pantry, his signature charming smile gracing his face as he held out his arms.

"Good to see you son." David muttered as he pulled the boy in for a hug. "It's so good to have both of you back home." He spoke after Luca released him from the hug.

Mia grinned as she took the jar of cacao nibs Luca offered her, "It's good to be home. Oh dad, I hope you don't mind, but Luc and I have been dying to go for a swim."

David waved her off, "Since when have you needed permission to use the pool?"

Luca grinned cheekily as bumped Mia's shoulder with his own. "What did I tell you?"

Mia rolled her eyes as she walked past both men. "Whatever. I'm going to go change."

Luca nodded and offered her a thumbs up and soon she was heading up the grand staircase to her old room, where all of her clothes had been neatly unpacked by her and Luca.

falling, fallen | a. hotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now