seventeen ✿

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take my hand
take my whole life too
for I can't help falling
in love with you


Aaron was scribbling down his signature on yet another form when two of the younger members of his team came storming into his office.

"You got a divorce and you didn't tell us?" Penelope frowned as she and Spencer sat down across from Aaron, on the other side of his desk.

Aaron furrowed his brows as he stared at the two of them. "How do the both of you know?"

Penelope's face glowed red. "Well, Rossi told me and it was the biggest piece of news ever you know I had to tell someone and Spencer just happened to be the closest person there so naturally I told him, about the divorce only. But then one thing led to another and he now knows everything."

Aaron's face fell. "Everything?"

Spencer nodded slowly, "Everything."

Aaron sighed, "I should've seen this coming."

"Don't worry, now that Penelope has told someone she's less likely to tell anyone else and I don't really have anyone to tell." Spencer offered Hotch a tight lipped and very awkward smile.

"Well, at least there's that, now—"

Penelope interrupted Hotch as quickly as she could. "Now that you're divorced, there's nothing stopping you from going after Mia. Since I know you're already thinking about her, I already booked the tickets. Your flight leaves early tomorrow morning."

"Penelope." Aaron clenched his jaw. "I can't just leave."

"Well you, being me, put in for leave and it got approved. Plus the team has the next few days off, remember, so you won't be missed." She carried on.

Spencer chuckled softly and Penelope poked him, which elicited a small 'ow' from him.

"As I was saying, all you have to do is get there." She smiled at him.

"Garcia," Aaron exhaled softly, "I know you always see the bright side of things. And that may be the case here. What if she doesn't want to see me?"

"That's where I come in. I know for a fact that she is miserable without you Hotch. In fact, I think she's going to be the happiest she's been since the break up, or whatever it was, when she sees you."

"If." Aaron said.

"When." Penelope countered. "I've already emailed you the tickets. See you in a few days."

Aaron frowned, "Are you seriously kicking me out of my office?"

Penelope nodded. "Yes." She stared at him until he packed his files up and grabbed his suitcase and stood up, all the while never breaking eye contact with her.

falling, fallen | a. hotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now