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like a river flows
surely to the sea

like a river flowssurely to the sea

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There's a certain euphoria to waking up with someone. It's as if the universe had aligned itself so this moment would happen and your worlds would collide.

As Mia woke up, Aaron's cologne saturated her sheets and blinded her senses, she couldn't think of anything but him.

His strong arm splayed over her waist and his face was nuzzled cozily into her neck as he snored lightly. Mia smiled softly as she looked down at him, watching the sunlight bounce off of his pale skin, lighting up his features in a way like no other.

She brushed his hair back from his face, admiring how soft it always was. His eyes fluttered open at her touch and he smiled.

"Morning, love." He mumbled and hugged her to him.

"Morning." Mia replied softly, not meeting his eyes.

Aaron looked up at her, confused for a moment, before placing his head back down on her shoulder and breathing in deeply. Mia bit her lip as she felt his breath fan across her neck, sending a shiver down her spine. They lay in a comfortable silence. Aaron knew Mia had something on her mind, but she would tell him when she was ready.


Which, apparently, was now.

Aaron hummed in response.

"Do you think this was a good idea?" She asked softly, sounding unsure of herself.

Aaron paused and sat up, confused by her words. He pressed his back against the headboard as he settled down next to her, wrapping his hand around her inner thigh to provide some form of comfort to her.

"What? Us?"

Mia shook her head. "No, definitely not us. I mean sleeping together as soon as we saw each other. It kind of makes me wonder—"

"—whether we love each other because of the sex?" Aaron finished her sentence, knowing where her train of thought was going.

Mia nodded slowly. She knew it was a stupid thing to think about, but looking back on their relationship, it had been mainly sex. She did love him. That she knew. But why? The reason was kind of blurry right now.

Aaron took a deep breath. "I fell in love with your body first." Mia met his eyes and he smiled as he moved so that he was sitting across from her, pulling her to him so he was sitting in between her legs. "I fell in love with your eyes first, the way they shone with hundreds of emotions at any given time." He lifted his hands up and cupped her face, gazing deeply into her eyes. "Next was your neck, one of my favourite spots to kiss," he leaned down and peppered gentle kisses below her ear down to her collar bone, then trailed his lips up to her ear. "And my did it look pretty with my hand wrapped around it," he said softly, his voice deep and raspy.

falling, fallen | a. hotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now