Chapter 4- Staircases and a pretty boy

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Chapter 5 is two chapters after this one :)

I wake up to Pansy shaking me awake violently.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" I screeched.

"I knew you would sleep in on your first day." Pansy mutters as she throws a pillow at my face.

"Jeez! I'm up I'm up!"

I scramble to put on my Slytherin uniform that was already in my dresser. I aggressively brushed my hair while I run out the door.

When I get to the great hall I'm panting. I straighten my skirt and walk to the Slytherin table right next to Draco. I hear a boy, I think named Marcus cough and mutter.

"Slut" I give him a funny look and turn back to Draco.

"Bloody hell y/n you could've just skipped breakfast." Draco laughs.

"I thought this was mandatory or some shit. Wait do I really look that bad? I tried to get ready fast." Draco scans my body.

"No. Are you worried Diggory will think so?" I shove him.

"Oh shut up, I talked to him once." I say.

"Didn't you talk with him the whole time on the train?" Blaise chimes in.

"How did you know that?" I ask.

"Well at dinner yesterday he was telling the whole Hufflepuff table that he talked to the hot new girl on the train. And even snuck her in a fourth year carriage." Blaise looks down and smiles.

"He did what!?" I try not to yell.

"What's wrong? He said you were hot isn't that what you want?" Pansy rests her head in her hand.

"I don't know what I want, I barely know him, but telling people that will definitely put the wrong idea in their heads."

"Well what happened?" Draco asked.

"Nothing. We talked and that was it." All of a sudden a whistle comes from the Hufflepuff table.

"Hey! Y/n come get your boy, Diggory!"

Some blonde boy yells. He's sitting next to Cedric, who is burying his face in his robes. I stand up.

"What are you doing?" Draco whispers. I ignore him and walk over to the Hufflepuff table. Cedric sits up and his friends are laughing and shoving him.

"Hey y/n!"

"Need another snogging y/n?" Some of the Hufflepuffs begin taunting me.

"Cedric. Hallway now." Oos break out among the tables.

"Yeah, ok." Cedric smiles back at his friends while he's following me. I shut the door to the great hall and run my hands through my hair.

"What did you tell your friends happened yesterday?" Cedric sighs.

"After we got here and you disappeared, my friends asked why I didn't sit with them. So I told them that I talked to a new third year." I cross my arms.

"And what about the hot part?" Cedric's eyes go wide.

"I just said that you were pretty that's it." He starts fidgeting with his hands.

"Oh,well thank you. You too." I say and he smiles.

"Please just make sure your friends know what really happened. I haven't even been here a day and I'm already labeled a slut so..."

"Nobody thinks that."

"Marcus Flint does." Cedric gives me a sympathetic look and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Flint is an asshole who can barely get a girl to look at him, and don't worry, I will straighten things out with my friends." I nod and we go back into the great hall. Every eye is on us.

"You can stop staring now!" I yell and everyone averts their eyes.

"See ya, Diggory."

"See ya, y/l/n." My face goes hot when I sit back next to Draco. All three of them are staring at me.

"What?" They laugh.

"Oh shut up you three."

On my way to potions, after breakfast I feel two people looking over my shoulder.

"What are you two doing?" I ask while still looking forward.

"How did you know it was us?" Fred asks.

"Probably her evil Slytherin powers!" George teases.

"Don't you two have a class to fail?" I look back at them.

"So what about you and pretty boy?" Fred puts his arm on my shoulder.

"Not you guys too! You were there!" I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Well we weren't in the carriage." Fred smiles.

"Wish we were." They say in unison. I give them my worst glare and they scurry away.

When I finally get to potions there was a minute until class started and I sit in the first open desk I see. Sitting next to me is a blonde girl with huge radish earrings and a blank expression.
"Hey, I'm y/n."

"I'm Luna. I like your tie." I look down and notice my extremely loose tie, from rushing this morning. Our conversation ends short when Professor Snape walks into class.

"Welcome to another year of potions. Let's see what you have forgotten."

I tried my best to pay attention in potions mainly because Professor Snape is terrifying but also giving a teacher a bad impression on the first day would ruin any chance of survival.

After potions it was time for defense against the dark arts. I met up with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. I look up in horror at a plethora of staircases.

"Why are there so many? WHY ARE THEY MOVING!" They burst out in giggles.

"This isn't funny! I'm going to fall to my death!"

"Stop gawking we need to get to class!" Hermione huffs. We start going up the stairs, me trailing slightly behind trying not to fall.

"You doing ok y/n?" Ron hollers.

"I'm not so far down you have to yell Ron." When we get to the last stair case I miss one step and start to fall. All of a sudden a pair of hands wrap around my waist and bring me back up. I turn around and no other than Cedric was there.

"These stairs can be tricky don't worry you'll get used to it." I realize how far my friends are ahead of me.

"Sure, thanks for saving me! Bye!" I run up the stairs and catch up with them. We walk one hallway down to defense against the dark arts. When we enter,the man who saved Harry was standing at the front of the class room.

"Hello! I am your defense against the dark arts Professor. My name is Professor Lupin and today we will see what you're most afraid of." We all look at each other wondering what will show up in that chest.

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