Chapter 17- Hospital Wing

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"He's waking up! He's waking up!" I hear a voice yell. Someone shuffles over to me and puts a wet towel on my head. Madam Pomfrey and the entire Hufflepuff team are standing over me. I look beside me, and a few feet away is y/n, asleep in a hospital bed, the Slytherin team surrounding her. I jolt up and try to go over to her.

"Y/n! Is she ok? Is she going to be ok?!" I yell.

"Who cares. Are you ok?" Leo asks. I glare at him and turn to Pomfrey.

"Yes, she will be ok. Nothing was broken, thank Merlin and head injuries - I'm not so sure yet. Do you know what happened, Mr. Diggory?" She asks.

"Uh, I remember seeing a dementor and then everything just got... Dark." I lied. It didn't get dark. I re-lived my worst memories in those seconds and then everything did go dark. Pomfrey nods.

"Y/n saved you. And in her efforts she ended up pulling you both off your brooms." I nod and look down on what Leo is holding. A big yellow sign with,

Go y/n, Slytherins favorite whore!

Written in big dark green letters. I couldn't believe it. I knew Leo was a jerk but, really? I continued to stare at the sign in disbelief.

"Ced, this is nothing but a joke. Plus I thought you and y/n had a fight anyway." He shrugged.

"It wasn't a fight and even if it was that gives you no right to talk about somone like that." I raised my voice.

"Mr. Diggory you really need to calm down." Madam Pomfrey pats my shoulder and I ignore her.

"Come on, we all know she got that spot because she did it with Flint. She's a shit player and a whore."

"What did you just say Birkshire?" Draco snaps and walks over to him.

"What, you in love with her too?" Leo taunts.

"I'd watch your mouth if I were you. I know people. Bad people. That will make your life a living hell." Draco leans even closer.

"Oh no your going to tell your daddy about me! I'm terrified!" Leo mocks.

"You should be. Leave y/n alone, or your next year's here will be rough."

"Boys! Boys! Please!" Pomfrey try's to stop them.

"I'm not as weak as you think, Malfoy." Leo says.

"Really? You think your hot shit because I made you hot shit. You were the one bearable Hufflepuff, but I guess I was wrong. See, I know you think you have influence over people but you don't. Diggory and I have one thing in common. Power. He gets people to worship him because he's likable. I get people to worship me by being feared. You, Leo, are just loud and mean. There's a difference."

Leo's face became beet red and every muscle on his neck was protruding. Leo slaps him. Leo slaps Draco Malfoy.

"That's really all you got. Pussy." Draco socks him on the nose and by now Pomfrey is hyperventilating, trying to help Leo's messed up, bloody face. Draco laughs as he leaves the hospital wing. I turn to y/n. Still sleeping peacefully. I walk up to her.

"Hey! Buddy back off!" Adrian Pucey yells.

"She's my friend. I didn't ask her to do anything. I'm sorry being attacked by a dementor was inconvenient for you." I sit next to her and hold her hand.

"Ok, I need to go shower." Flint gets his quidditch bag.

"Same." The rest of the team leaves. It's just me and her. I lay down in the bed next to her. Her eyes open slowly.



"I thought you were mad at me." I put her hair behind her ear.

"I was. But only for a moment. You did nothing wrong. It's just my own shit. It's not your fault." I say, averting my eyes.

"Hey, I'm always here to talk. And if you don't want to talk we can do something else." I smile and her face goes red.

"I didn't mean- I just- I don't know, forget I said that." She closes her eyes and smiles. 

"Oh, your awake Ms. Y/l/n. Cedric, may you give us some time alone?" Madam Pomfrey says. I nod and give y/n a kiss on her forehead.

As I walk out if the hospital wing, Elsie and Zack bump into me.

"We were just going to see you! Are you ok?" Elsie starts inspecting me.

"Yes, I'm fine." I pull her hand off my face.

"Dude, that was brilliant! She just tore you from that dementor like that!" He claps.

"I didn't think my torture was that fun for you." I say sarcastically.

"It wasn't fun but like... Everyone just stood there. Staring at you and without hesitation she just saved you." He says and we start walking back to the common room.

"Sorry hun, but if I see a dementor I'm running away and you better catch up." She pats his chest and we burst out laughing.

Y/n's POV-

Draco is walking with me to the Slytherin common room. He's tried to pick me up about three times to carry me back.

"You have been silent for way too long." Draco says.

"I guess I'm a little shaken up from the whole situation." I say.

"Let's go to the great hall. They brought out your favorite muffins." He motions to the Great hall entrance.

"I'm fine Draco. I just really want to go and take a nap." He nods and sticks his hands in the pockets of his Slytherin quidditch uniform.

"I fucking hate these pants." I point to the uniform khakis, almost completely covered in mud.

"Why? Is it because they make your ass look flat?" He looks behind me.

"Hey!" I push him forward.

"What? I just asked why." He shrugs and I roll my eyes.

"So, you and Diggory huh?" He turns his head.

"Yeah, I guess. It's kinda been, me and Diggory since September." He nods and bites the inside of his cheek.

"What? Spit it out Draco." We reach the door and he opens his mouth but before he can say anything Blaise opens the stone door.

"Where the hell have you two been?" He grabs us by our shirt collars.

"What the fuck Blaise!?" Draco gasps.

"What was it like?" One of the first years asks in the sea of Slytherins surrounding the common room.

"What was what like?" I stammer.

"Being that close to a dementor!" A first year asks. Draco puts his arm around me and starts pushing through people.

"Give her some space, jesus." Awes come from the crowd. Draco walks me to my room and closes the door.

"What the hell are you doing, get out!" He smirks.

"Stop looking at me like that." I say. He runs over to my bed and sprawls out. I squeeze in beside him.

"Your going to push me off this bloody bed." I try to shove him off.

"Well if it's going to happen it's going to happen." He pushes me off the bed.

"Oh your gonna get it!" I take my pillow and start beating him with it.

"Fine! Fine! I'll leave!" He gets up and stands in the door way.

"Don't miss me too much, babe." He smiles.

"Out!" I push him out if the door way and slam the door, right in his face. I sigh and fall on my bed, still in my mud covered uniform.

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