Chapter 10- Stupid Little Boys

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I got a letter from my parents today. I stared at it for way too long before I could muster enough courage to tear the seal.

Dear y/n,
We miss and love you very much. You are welcome to come home for Christmas.
With all our love,

Gregory and Matilda y/l/n.

I could tell it was my father's writing. I pull out my potions book and put the letter inside, hoping to never see it again.

It's the last week of September and I'm glad. October is when everything good happens. There is a Halloween party the day after the ball and even through it will be November we can all pretend.

"Y/n! Do you have your permission slip for Hogsmeade?" Hermione runs into the library and sits next to me.

"I still need to ask my parents about that." I tap my pencil to my chin.

"I feel bad Harry can't go." Hermione says resting her head in her hand.

"Yeah it's complete bull shit. They know that Vernon would never even open anything from Hogwarts let alone be the reason Harry has fun." Harry runs through the library.

"Hey Harry we were just talking about you!" I shoot Hermione a glare.

"Just about how it sucks you can't go to Hogsmeade." He looks down and starts tracing the carpet with his shoe.

"I could stay here if you want. I still have to ask my parents to sign it anyway." I say and he looks up and sits across from me.

"No, I want you to have fun. I'll be fine here."

"I could at least get you something." I offer.

"At least." He says sarcastically and we all laugh.

I have been on the Slytherin quidditch team for two weeks now. The only reason was because they needed a keeper and I was the only one to try out for that spot. We have our first game today and Professor Snape told me to come to his office an hour prior to discuss things.

"I have to go down to Snape's office right now. I'll see you guys at the game." I start packing up my stuff.

"You know we're going to flame you right?" Harry smirked at me.

"In your dreams Potter." And with that I walk away.

I walk down into Snape's office, it's one hallway down from the Slytherin common room. Snape is sitting in a big arm chair. I sit down in the smaller one across from him.

"I'm sure you are a aware that your first quidditch game is today." I nod. "I was surprised Mr. Flint gave you a spot on the team. Having a student, who has been here a week be on the quidditch team is peculiar and I just want to know that cheating is very against school policy and could cause an expulsion." I look at him an awe.

"How would I even cheat to get on the team?" He shifts in his seat.

"I think you know what I am implying y/n." I stand up.

"I am finished with this conversation. That is an extremely unprofessional thing to say." I storm out, my hands shaking.

I'm standing with my team trying to stay calm as people start going into the stands. Flint steps in front of the team.

"We are going to win. I don't want any of you going into this thinking anything else. I have no doubt in my mind that we have the strongest players. Even ones with little experience." It was a nice pep talk and made me feel slightly better. He walked back into the line of us and patted me on the shoulder. He gave me an encouraging smile.

We all get ready for the game to start. I fly up to one of the hoops and wait. I hear a horn go off and Lee Jordan announcing the game. I see a quaffle by another hoop and fly over blocking it. I do this back and fourth for the rest of the game until Harry, trying to catch the snitch falls off of his broom. I fly over to him as quickly as I can.

"Harry! Harry! Are you ok?" Madam Hooch holds me back from getting close to him.

"And Draco Malfoy catches the snitch! Slytherin wins!" I hear Lee call out. The team huddles around Draco and lifted him up. We all cheer. I don't think I have ever seen Draco smile like that. I turn around remembering Harry. I see him on a stretcher being brought to the infirmary.

After the game Snape treated us to a trip to Hogsmeade, even though I didn't have the signature from my parents.

"Can I get seven butter beers?" The woman at the counter nods and starts making our drinks.

"Thanks for paying, Draco." I say while we walk to a table.

"I am the richest one here." He shrugs. I roll my eyes and he wraps his arm around me. I look up at him.

"You were really good today. I have never seen you that happy before."

"Well, winning does feel amazing." We sit down.

"Watching Pottah fall of his broom was the highlight of my week." Flint says and the whole team laughs.

"Don't say that around y/n, she's accually friends with that loser." Goyle snickers.

"Yeah I am,and what about it Goyle." I lean closer to his ugly face.

"I can't believe you let a girl on the team let alone her." Goyle turns to Flint.

"ENOUGH! Snape let us come here so we could bond with each other. Now I don't expect you to do that but you must respect her just as much as you respect any one else in the team." I don't know why Flint was all of a sudden being nice but I did not mind him snapping at those stupid little boys.

"Thank you Marcus, just because y/n is a girl doesn't mean she's that much weaker than us." Crabbe says.

"You little!-" I lunge across the table to Crabbe.

"Um, excuse me?" The waitress says just as I'm about to hit Crabbe. I sit back down and she passes out the drinks. No one talks to me for the rest of the day.

I get into my dorm and flop on my bed. I notice on the back of my door there is a taped envelope. My name written in perfect cursive. I get up and open it, sitting back down on my bed.

Dear y/n,

Meet me at the quidditch pitch at 9:30

Love, Diggory

I smile and can feel butterfly's already.

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