Chapter 15- You're alowed to be scared

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It's silent in the great hall. Curfew ended a while ago. Now we're all inside our sleeping bags trying not to think of what would happen if Sirius Black bursted in the door and killed us all.

"Y/n! Y/n!" Draco whispers and nudges my arm.

"Shut it Draco." I roll over trying not to face him.

"Do you think this is real? That fat oaf could be lying." I turn to face him.

"Why would she lie?" I ask.

"I think everyone is being a tad dramatic."

"Like last week when you were being an idiot around buck beak and then groaned in a hospital bed for four hours."

"My arm was hurt really bad!" I roll my eyes.

"Everyone is just scared. They're doing their best to keep us safe."

"I'm not scared. My father taught me not to be."

"You are aloud to be scared, Draco." With that he rolled over and didn't say a word the rest of the night.

I wake up to whispers. The sun is beaming through the windows of the great hall and students are packing up their sleeping bags. Once everyone is awake Dumbledore stands by his podium.

"We searched the castle all last night. The grounds are safe. The head of your house will escort you to each of your common rooms." All if the Slytherins follow Snape to the dungeons.

"See I told you everyone was over reacting. We're fine." Draco leans back in an arm chair.

"Shut up Draco." I say and Pansy and I go up to our dorm.

I decide to skip breakfast and go to potions early. I expected no one to be there but to my surprise Leo was sitting in his seat.

"You're early?" I question and sit down.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" He snaps.

"No, it's just strange. You're usually late."

"So now you're keeping tabs on me, huh?" He stares at me.

"You don't have to be such an asshole all the time. Take a break." He opens his mouth and sighs. We don't talk for rest of the period.

Now it's defense against the dark arts and I find my seat next to Harry.

"Where's Lupin?" I ask.

"Don't know. He's never late." In that moment Snape bursts through the door.

"I will be your teacher until Professor Lupin is well enough to take back his position." Harry and I give each other a confused expression.

"Turn to page 394 in your text books." Snape droned.

"Professor? We won't be working on this lesson for weeks." Hermione says.

"Just turn to the page Granger." Snape says and I look at Harry.

"Werewolves? Why would we need that?" I ask. He shrugs and continues reading.

After class I walk with Elsie down to the great hall for lunch.

"See ya in herbology." She nods and I sit down next to Pansy and a blonde girl named Daphne.

"Hey, Daphne and I are going to digon ally. You wanna skip with us?" Pansy asks.

"Sure. Is anyone else going?" I ask and get a sandwich from the table.

"Probably not, we don't want too many people coming. I don't feel like getting chewed out by McGonagall again. Do you have anyone in mind?" Daphne asks, getting a ladle of soup.

"She wants to bring pretty boy Diggory. Don't you?" Pansy says.

"Uh, I don't know." I say quietly.

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot about your thing. I think he could come." Pansy's jaw dropped.

"What!? He would totally tell his Hufflepuff friends."

"Comon Pansy, it'll make it more interesting. Plus, he isn't bad to look at either." Daphne and I smile.

"You despise Hufflepuff's Daph. How could he be an exception?"

"Remember how insane he was last year. He was fun." Daphne says.

"What? What do you mean, insane?" I ask.

"He went to like, every party. He would try anything if you dared him last year."

"But he's not like that anymore. Plus if he was being his old obnoxious self somone might snitch to Dumbledore about us ditching." Pansy says and Daphne nods.

"Fuck it. I still think he should come. But if he gets us into trouble you will never be invited to another party again." Daphne leans closer to me.

"Ok. Are you guys leaving before or after fourth period starts?" They look at each other.


"After." They say their answers at the same time. They turn to each other.

"Before!" Pansy hollers.

"After!" Daphne yells and I stand up.

"I will let you two figure this out." I walk over to the Hufflepuff table and walk up to Cedric.

"Looking good y/n!"

"You free this weekend y/n?" Some of the Hufflepuffs yell.

"Calm down. I just need to talk to Ced for a second."

"Oh yeah?" Cedric smirks. We walk out if the great hall.

"I want to ask you something." I say as pick at my cuticles.

"Go on." He smirks.

"Would you like to ditch and go to digon ally with Pansy, Daphne and I?" He scrunched his eyebrows.

"I don't know. It's just going to be you three?" I nodded.

"They wanted me to ask you." His face lit up.

"Don't get too exited. I hope you aren't planning to run off with one of them." He laughed.

"No if course not. It's just shocking that two Slytherin girls, who have never spoken to me outside if a party, want me to go ditch with them." He smiles and I shove him.

"Ok, are you coming or not?"

"No." He says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"I don't like your friends y/n and they don't like me." I look down.

"They like you. They just invited you to hang out with us. Come on it'll be fun."

"They only invited me because they think I'm going to be some party animal." He says.

"No, it's the opposite accually. They know that your not like that anymore so you won't be obnoxious and get us cought." I say.

"Oh so you think I'm obnoxious." His tone became icy.

"No, no I didn't even know you last year that's what they said." His neck tensed.

"Whatever y/n, obviously you'll have a better time without obnoxious, stupid, pretty boy Diggory." He walks back into the great hall. Leaving me there, dumbfounded.

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