Chapter 2,

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Hola my Amiga's and Amigos

Ok chapter one is up and running. Took me ages to get a suitable title page, sorry this is the best I can do but I don't have any fancy smancy editing software. Anyway thank you so much for reading this and I hope it turns out ok.

Vote, Like, become a fan, reread this until you become blind-actually don't because you will never find out what happens.....anyway just keep reading!

Cheers Alura

Chapter 2

Louis P.O.V

I woke up feeling a lot better, but ravenously hungry. My bedside clock said 8:15am which was a good enough time to get up. The house was silent as I crept down the stairs in only my boxers. I popped two slices of bread in the toaster and sought out the jar of honey. Suddenly, warm hands grabbed me from behind and I got such a shock I banged my head on the cupboard door. "Aah" I groaned, turning round to face my attacker while rubbing my head. "That hurt"

Harry was standing there, already dressed in white jeans and a plain white polo, his curly hair looking as cute as always. Wait, where did that come from. I didn't say cute, I said wild. Great now he's looking at me funny. Am I saying this out loud. Of course not but you better say something soon moron.

"Sorry Lou, did I frighten ya?" He asked rubbing the top of my head affectionately. "Of course not" I replied pulling myself to my full height. "I just felt like banging my head" that's the best you can come up with? Lame Tomlinson.

"So...what are you having for breakfast?" I asked in an effort to dispel the awkward atmosphere settling around us. "These" Harry cried playfully, and grabbed my just popped toast from the toaster and took off across the kitchen.

"Oh no you didn't" grinning I took off across the room and rugby tackled Harry onto the sofa. I sat up on top of him and pinned his hands on either side of his head. Leaning down as if to kiss him, I swerved at the last minute to nip a slice of toast from his hand. hands on either side of his head. Leaning down as if to kiss him, I swerved at the last minute to nip a slice of toast from his hand.

"Nah, I like my toast plucked from my friend's fingertips" Harry grinned before snatching back the toast, rolling off me and heading back to the bench to spread his prize in honey. I sighed loudly and picking myself up and wandering over to the bread bin. "You are too cruel Styles" I complained.

"Horan in the house" Niall yelled as he descended the stairs in a mad gallop and threw open the cupboard door. "And he's hungry" the blond Irish declared, swiping some oats and pouring them into a bowl.

I flung up my hands and backed away.No one wanted to be near Niall when he is hungry. Harry laughed and shakily aimed the spread knife at his friend. Niall noticed and laughed good naturedly. "You guys are in a better mood than old Zayn up there. He stormed past my room muttering about something or another. Completely ignored me. Know what that was about?"

Harry and I exchanged nervous looks. "Yeah, we kinda woke him up" I explained and Niall's laughing became even louder. "That would do it, don't worry he'll cool down in a bit" just then the microwave beeped. "Porridge is ready" he squealed and carried off his prize. I watched Harry and Niall eating wistfully, waiting for the toaster to pop.

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