Chapter 9

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in case you haven’t realised yet, none of the girlfriends of the boys in real life will be featured in this. I have nothing against them-I think they are all great-it is just I can never keep up with it, besides they will have to break up with the guys anyway in this fanfic, so it is just easier if they aren’t around.

Comment with your criticism. Stop being stubborn like a goat. You do so have time

Vote if you want a goat. But you can’t have mine.

Become a fan if you don’t want a goat. Good, I don’t either, it just rhymed

Cheers Alura

Chapter 9

Louis’s P.O.V

I was hungry. And Thirsty. And tired. And Lonely. Wishing I had never ran in so far. That I could find my way out. Everything looked the same. I had given up trying to get out of here, and just waited for someone to find me. I had seen heaps of helicopters. , but none saw me. My food supply, that I had hidden from Niall was all gone.

I suddenly saw a figure, about 100m away, standing on top of a large sand dune. I tried to call out my all that came out was a croak. I tried to stand but my legs just wobbled and I fell. I pulled myself to my feet, and managed to yell out “Hey, hey help” she looked startled, they spoke into a radio and yelled behind her. I watched as she ran towards me. My energy suddenly left me and I fell again, the world turning black. It didn’t matter though. I had been found.

Harry’s P.O.V

 It was 10am when I entered the door to our shared home after waking in some girl’s bed that I couldn’t remember.  Probably thanks to all the alcohol I consumed last night. I had an awful hangover, although it was pretty much gone after the two hour walk home. I had no money for a cab and there was no way I was asking the naked sleeping girl beside me for any. The walk did me good, I thought a lot about stuff. The band, management, Louis. I missed him with such a burning passion, it was unbelievable. We had always joked about our bromance. We would watch larry videos on youtube and even read a few fanfics, laughing about how they imagined our lives. We would sometimes hug each other on stage, hiding our giggles as the girls screamed.  Yet I guess they were right in a way. Louis and I were so close. I knew everything about him and he knew all my troubles and fears. I missed him. Because I loved him.

Shaking my head, I went into the kitchen. I was ravenous. I hadn’t eaten anything since Louis’s disappearance, that was probably why I got so drunk last night. I searched around in the cupboards for the ingredients, finally remembering Niall leaving the flour in the lounge a few days ago when him and Louis pranked Zayn. Louis.

I went into the lounge, stopping short when I saw two figures on the couch. Grateful they were wrapped in a blanket, I grabbed the half empty flour container and made a hasty exit. If Zayn could stop snogging her for a few minutes to grab a blanket from his bedroom, why didn’t he stay there? I mixed the ingredients together, remembering with a smile how Louis used to beg me to teach him to make them.  No matter how many times I instructed him though, he never listened and just threw any old thing in. I usually ended up taking over or chucking out the mixture. Especially that time he got the flour and the baking soda mixed up and put in a quarter tsp of flour and a cup of baking soda. That was vile.

A sob rose in my throat, and I squashed it down. Instead I turned on the pan and poured in the mixture. Yet I couldn’t stop a single tear rolling down my cheek . I was always so strong, so unreadable. I could flirt shamelessly with out ever blushing, and I could hide my emotions like a squirrel could hide his acorns. So why was I now constantly blubbering like a baby? Why is it now that I lose control? I was doing so well yesterday, my face impassive. I blame that girl, who I never bothered to find out her name. We did things together that I could never do with Louis. Even a simple peck on the lips is forbidden. Because he is a guy. I am a guy. We are both world famous. And he has disappeared. Why is life so complicated.

More tears flowed down my cheeks. I flipped the pancakes over mechanically. Pour, flip, remove. Pour, flip remove. Soon the mixture was gone and I stared at the large stack, hoping Niall, or Liam, or even Zayn would be awake. There was no chance I could swallow them now. I was just trying to force myself to take a bite when the phone rang.

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