Chapter 16

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Hey guys

Please keep reading, fanning and voting. No one has commented so until you do I won't talk to you guys either. Made up the story Harry is reading BTW.

Cheers Alura

Chapter 16

Harry's P.O.V

There was a stunned silence after Zayn left. Then we all burst out laughing. I am not quite sure why. We have been doing this alot recently. I think it is just because after all the stress of Louis's disappearence we were all being a bit looser.

"I think Zayn fancies Alicia" Liam commented once the laughter had died down. "Shame she is taken though, I think they would be cute together" I don't know why but this sparked a sudden anger within me. "Well Zayn will have to get over it because Alicia has an amazing boyfriend and they have a strong relationship. There is no way I will let Zayn come between that"

There was an awkward cough from behind be and I turned to see Alicia coming down the stairs. "Right, um well I am off to meet my boyfriend so I'll catch you guys around 9ish" she stuttered and made a hasty depart through the door Zayn had exited from just minutes earlier. No one knew quite what to do after that. Niall went to check the fridge and I shook my head exasperated and went upstairs.

I opened a book. It was a romantic story about this girl who has fancied this guy for months ever since they were paired together for a spy assignment, but she could not let him find out incase it ruined her career. I had originally chose the book because of the fight scenes and spy parts but I found myself getting caught up in the romance side of it. I really felt for this girl, Jane. She had to watch her crush flirt with their target and never once could she ever do anything about her feelings.

If it wasn't for our career, I might have done something about my feelings for Louis by now. But I couldn't, just like Jane. Wait....where did that come from? I haven't even really liked Louis that long. Sure bromance since x factor and all that but this was the first time I have ever thought of him as more. I put down the book and paced over to the window.

I have a nice view of the back garden. This house is really private, with huge trees surrounding this old house. I really like it. My stomach growled. It was Liam's turn to cook tonight, and unlike the others, I know he will actually cook something not make baked beans on toast or whatever. I should probably go help him. It will keep my mind off Louis anyway.

As I walked down the stairs, I heard talking and laughing. There was this girl in the room I had never seen before and she was chatting with Niall and Louis while Liam cooked. "Hey" I coughed, making my presence known.

"Harry, this is Marilyn, my um, uh girlfriend" Louis stuttered out and my mouth literally dropped. "Wait, how long has this been going on?" I asked suspicious, well aware I was being rude and not introducing myself to the girl at the table. I suppose they will expect me to flirt with her. She is very pretty, but I was not in the mood to fake interest in girls, especially ones that broke my heart by stealing my love. Bit dramatic there but I really felt like my heart had split into a million pieces, like the window niall broke once with his soccer ball, and the jaggered shards were scattered all over the kitchen floor.

"She is a nurse, she tended to me at the hospital and we kinda hit it off. She was off duty when you guys arrived so I couldnt introduce you so I invited her over instead. Sorry I should have told you sooner, but with Zayn's drama and Alicia's arrival I never got round to it" Louis explained and I winced. Rub salt in the wound why don't you. If it wasn't bad enough I couldn't rescue Louis when he was in trouble, he got his heart stolen in the process.

"Ok, cool, nice to meet you Marilyn, I am Harry, Liam when is tea ready?" I asked all in a rush. Niall gave me a funny look and Marilyn spoke for the first time. Her voice was smooth as honey, but that made me dislike her even more.

"Please, call me Lyn" she smiled. Liam shrugged. "ten minutes" I nodded, and stormed back upstairs and slammed the door behind me. I sat down on the bed with my head in my hands. Louis has a girlfriend. A hot one. He wouldn't want me. He is straight. I let out a sigh. Why are things so confusing? Why must I like my friend? Why must I like a guy?

The front door slammed. Alicia was home. Very early.

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