Chapter 7

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Guess what guys I am back? Anyone miss me? Of course you did, what a silly question to ask. Hold the celebrations though. I am currently staying at my grandparents internet free house  and a mere two days after I return I am off on an eight day training camp that is so far going overlapping the first days back at school. So posting won’t be as quick from now on. Sorry. If you want to complain my phone number is 0800 DEAL WITH IT or if you are one of those slow people who haven’t yet gotten used to my jokes I suggest you try it and see what happens. For everyone else however you have probably already guessed the outcome. Sorry, I am tired and not in the mood at the moment. You are lucky I am even writing this. Somebody owes me some chocolate.

Comment because I am a bit of a chatterbox

Vote because I love them

Fan so I know you care about my wattpad career

Cheers Alura

Chapter 7

Harry’s P.O.V

“Harry, sit down”

I perched on the edge of Liam’s bed cautiously. Liam looked down at his hands for awhile and I could see tears forming in his eyes. I gulped.

“Harry, the boys decided to play a game of hide and seek” Liam looked up, choosing his words carefully. I nodded, waiting for him to continue.

“They went deep into the sand dunes, alone. One of them never came back” My eyes widened and Liam held up his hand to stop the obvious question forming on my lips.

“Harry, Louis is missing” With that, my world fell apart. I buried my head in my hands and sobbed. I could feel Liam’s warm hand on my back, trying to comfort me. It was no use. My Lou was gone, maybe never coming back. We would not be flinging food at each other this evening, or cuddling up on the couch watching some chic-flick that he always cried in. I would not wake up tomorrow with him in his bed a short distance away. I would not see that boy in a man’s clothing, who played pranks, joked around and irritated management. Who could be so caring and compassionate when you broke up with your latest girlfriend and always knew just what to say in awkward situations. He’s gone.

“Its not completely hopeless Harry. He was carrying a sack full of snacks and drinks which he was hiding from Niall. They have the whole coast guard and search and rescue people scanning the area. They will find him” I just nodded.

    *  *  *

The boys returned shortly before midnight. Paul brought them home I suppose. I heard the door slam and the sounds of people moving about downstairs. No one was talking and they all retired to their rooms pretty quickly. Soon the faint snores of Niall were audible. I could barely here them but it was still bad enough that it stopped me sleeping. I don’t suppose I could have anyway. My thoughts were full of worries about Louis. I missed him. A lot.

I gave up trying to sleep at 3am. Creeping downstairs I turned on the telly. There would be no news on Louis. It was all being withheld from the press for obvious reasons. I flicked through the channels, not really watching what was happening on screen. I left it on a soap opera. As I watched the sweddish farmer busy at work, my own eyes started to close.

“Quiet Zayn, It’s Harry”

“Is he asleep?”

“Is he snoring?”

“Yeah, but-“

“Then he is asleep”

“Good, he didn’t take the news to well”

“Of course he didn’t, those two are close”

 “Now they have both had accidents”

“Maybe it is a sign?”

“What is?”

“They are meant for each other”

“Who are?”

“Seriously, keep up”

“Sorry, I am a little distracted currently”

 “Anyway ever since Louis-“

Louis. Louis William Tomlinson. LouLou. The beach. My accident. His disappearance. Louis is missing!

I jerked awake to see Zayn and Liam talking at the entrance to the lounge. They both jumped a foot in the air when the saw I was awake and exchanged frightened looks.

“Any sign of Louis?” I asked. Liam shook his head. I gave a sob and ran from the room.

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