Chapter 8

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Well, Louis is missing and Harry isn’t faring up to well. You guys are lucky, I haven’t even posted the last chapter and I am writing the next one. Before you start lecturing me on not posting it, as I said, I am not within internet range at the moment so you guys are lucky I am even bothering to write them. To be honest with you all though, I love writing, and I love One Direction, so naturally I enjoy writing these stories. They aren’t getting to many reads at the moment, and I know I only have one or two fans, so I am writing these more for my own benefit than anyone else. Of course I am still hoping that the readers will pick up so please keep reading and tell your friends.

Fan so I feel loved. Comment because I want to know how I am going. Vote and I you will always be amazayn to me

Cheers Alura

Chapter 8

Liam’s P.O.V

It had been over a day since Louis had gone missing, and we were all missing him terribly. Simon had rung personally to say we didn’t have to do any vocal practice for a few days although we should still keep our voices fit. No one really felt like singing though. Or doing anything really, we all just moped around like the world had ended. Trying to cheer everyone up, I made breakfast this morning, and although it wasn’t too bad, no one-not even Niall-ate more than a few bites.

We rang Louis’s family a few hours ago, and they wanted to catch the next flight down immediately. However, more depressed people hanging around wouldn’t do anyone any good and so we told them to stay where they were for the moment but we would keep them updated.

A cough made me jump and I spun around, relaxing when I saw it was only Niall. He had red eyes and looked terrible even though he was dressed up nice. I felt suspicious. “Where are you going?”

Niall fidgeted, looking down at the ground for a moment before looking up and catching my eye “The boys and I were heading out, we wondered if you wanted to come?” he asked and I knew immediately he expected me to say no. I could see Zayn and Harry peeking round the corner and I glared at them.

“Where you lot off to?” I asked.

“Just to The Drowning Eagle” I was confused. Why would they want to go out clubbing?

“You are right Liam, we do need to quit moping around and do something” Niall added.

“This wasn’t what I meant” I replied exasperated.

“Oh, come on Liam. We just want to go out tonight. Lighten up Daddy Direction” Zayn left the sanctuary of the door frame and looked at me defiantly.

“I don’t want to deal with a lot of drunk guys at the moment” I replied and Zayn shrugged.

“Whatever guys, let’s go” Zayn reached for the keys, but I held them behind my back.

“Fine, I’ll come” I sighed. The last thing I wanted was a lot of drunken guys driving back from a club. We have had enough accidents already.

I locked the door behind me and joined the boys. The tension could have been cut with a knife in the car. No one spoke and Harry quickly turned off the bouncy voice telling us that they were having the time of their life.

 The twenty minute drive to the club seemed to take forever and it was well past eight when we arrived.  Having to stop at every traffic light ever invented probably didn’t help either though. We piled out of the car and entered the club. The boys immediately lined up at the bar and I sat down at one of the few remaining empty tables. The guys joined me within a few minutes. We all sat there, dead silent for what felt like ages before I heard nervous laughter.

Three girls sat down at the remaining seats around the table. Two of them were practically identical but with an obvious few years age difference. They were all giggling.

“Hey sexy, wanna dance?” the odd one out of the bunch looked at Harry. Of course she would go for Harry. I just hoped he wouldn’t bite her head off. I haven’t heard him speak all day. To my surprise, he flashed his flirty smile at her and replied “Sure babe” and let her pull him to the dance floor.

The younger of the remaining two went for Zayn. “Those two really hit it off” she commented watching them with a slightly wistful look in her eyes. Zayn picked up on it immediately and put his arm around her waist. “Would you like to dance?” he asked and she giggled a little and nodded. Arm and arm they pranced off.

I looked over at Niall, and found him engaged in conversation with the remaining girl. I felt a twinge of jealousy but squashed it down. The possessive feeling died, like my heart did all those months ago. When Simon refused me.

Shaking myself from these thoughts, I looked around for Harry and found him dancing far too closely with that girl. I felt annoyed with him. He would probably lead her on then dump her tomorrow. It was just how he worked. Harry was a great mate but I did not approve of his actions sometimes. He is young, I reminded myself. Not that much younger than you another voice in my head retorted.

I stood up to get myself some lemonade, but sat down again, seeing Zayn making out with a girl by the bar. I groaned to myself. This would be a long night.

It was well after midnight before we returned. Well most of us did anyway, Harry had gone off with that girl. I think it goes without saying what they will be up to so I won’t comment. Niall was so drunk I had to carry him upstairs and he was asleep before I got there anyway. Zayn and his new girlfriend Penny remained downstairs. I warned them to keep it down. Who knows whether they will listen anyway.

I pulled Niall’s clothes off, so he remained in only his boxers, then pushed him into bed. Niall woke with a start and I cringed. “Sorry Niall” I apologised. “Can you sleep with me tonight?” he asked, Alcohol and sleep slurring his words. I nodded after arguing with myself for awhile, what harm could it do? By the time I was undressed and in bed he was almost asleep again anyway. “Night leprechaun” I smiled and he snored back in response. I smiled, watching him sleep.

 Sorry if it is a bit boring but things are not moving as fast as I would like them too.

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