Chapter 10

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What do you think that phone call was about? Hmm….I think I know. Well I did write this so of course I know. Anyways, sorry the last chapter was a bit boring, it was more of a fuller than anything else. As I sit typing, with a milkshake in my belly and my sopping wet hair dripping down my back I feel I must be mad. Yet I am so eager to continue this story I came here straight after I got back from training(And had lunch-hey a girl has to eat…..drink) Yet I can feel myself stalling. That is why I am writing this pointless comment. Yay pointless comments. Right I should start now. In a minute….Oh stop procrastinating and get on with it

Fan if you’re from Japan

Comment if you’re not

Vote if you have no clue at this point in time because I have exploded your brain(whoop whoop)

Cheers Alura

Chapter 10

Niall’s P.O.V

Slowly, I pushed open the whitewashed door and entered the room. Someone had placed a basket of flowers on the table and there were a few get well cards. Probably from fans. We had told them all Louis was sick to avoid total chaos. Sunlight was streaming in through an open window, highlighting my lost friend.

Louis looked up with a smirk “Hey guys, what’s up?” I didn’t hesitate, just ran forward and gave him a ginormous bear hug, ignoring Liam’s verbal warning about being careful. Soon I felt Zayn join me, hen finally Liam who had obviously decided it was safe. We let go after a good minute and I saw Harry standing watching. Once we had all finished he walked forward, more dignified, and wrapped Louis in a hug. I stood watching them. I could hear them whispering to each other but I have no idea what they were saying. I knew it had been hard for Harry, those two were so close.

Finally, Harry released Louis and took a seat. Noticing I was the only one standing, I followed suit, sitting on a hard plastic chair. “So guys…um vas happening?” he asked and we all laughed while Zayn yelled out “That is my line, get your own” at this Louis replied “I do have my own….Carrots!!!!!” which set us laughing even harder.

“Well you are obviously feeling much better” Liam replied dryly. Louis looked offended. “You think I want to be here? I feel perfectly fine, they just want to look at my gorgeous face” We all burst out laughing again except for Zayn who looked shocked and hastily pulled out a mirror.  I am not sure why we were all laughing as hard as we did. But after three days(almost) without our clown missing, we were all relaxing and enjoying being together. Liam started lecturing Louis on how he should be taking it easy. At this point Harry started singing Take it Easy by the eagles and soon we were all joining in, even protective Liam.

Twenty minutes later, the door opened and a doctor walked in. “Boys, if you don’t be quiet, I shall send you out” this quietened us down immensely. The doctor scanned his clipboard and looked up with a grim expression on his face. “Well Louis, we have run some tests…” he began. “Give it to me straight Doctor, I can take it” Louis said puffing out his chest. We all giggled behind our hands until the doctor glared at us. “Well Louis that was the plan-” he began. “No, not the plan, anything but the plan” Louis fake sobbed into his hospital gown.

“Focus Louis, anyway the results came in clear. You are free to go home-“the rest of his words were drowned out as we all began cheering. Louis jumped out of the bed and enveloped us all in another hug. Shaking his head, the doctor walked out to talk to Simon, who had been standing outside the door with an amused expression on his serious face.

After the doctor had stopped instructing Simon and left we crept out from the room. “Ok boys you have had your reunion, now it is time to be serious. We cannot let anyone see Louis leaving the hospital so he will be in disguise. Louis go get changed and meet us back here” Louis nodded and took the bag he offered, then pulled Harry with him. Harry went along eagerly, obviously not happy with the idea of staying behind and being without Louis for a few minutes.

Simon shook his head as they walked off and muttered something under his breath. “So guys, what are we doing now?” I asked. Simon shrugged and turned to Liam. “I don’t mind as long as you guys are back in the studio at 9am tomorrow, we have missed a lot of practice, and we have a charity show next week we need to prepare for” Simon told him and Liam nodded. I didn’t pay any attention to this part, knowing Liam will remind us plenty of times in the near future.

“Anyway, we should go to Nando’s” I cheered and the others smiled. “Ok, but don’t let Louis eat to much, I will get someone to send you a list of things he can and can’t do for the next week and I expect you all to help enforce that” Simon spoke mainly to Liam, knowing he was the only one listening. Zayn caught my eye and grinned. I knew he was thinking the same thing.

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