Chapter Four

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Ok guys I will start this chapter now though who knows when I will get round to finishing it? For all the people reading, I thank you all so much for supporting me. Keep it up. I literally did a happy dance when I received my first fan. Then my sister walked into the room and I had to pretend I was scratching my head...yeah I don't think she bought it, she keeps breaking out randomly into dance since then. Maybe I gave her some sort of medical condition? I shall now give it to the waves Harry is about to see. Whoops, Spoiler alert in that last sentence. Sorry went a bit of topic there. Don't mind me, this is what happens when the sun finally comes to my country(For all those in the northern hemisphere, shame its summer down here!) Anyway.....

Cheers Alura

Chapter 4

Harry's P.O.V

We arrived at the beach half an hour later. It was so beautiful, with the sun dancing on the waves and the sky the deepest shade of blue I had ever laid eyes on. Okay, now I am going a bit too emotional. Focus Harry. The beach wasn't too full at the moment, but I knew it would soon and I intended to make the most out of that before we were mobbed.

Louis leapt out of the car before we were even properly parked, and ran into the waves, stripping to his bathers in the process. The sight was so comical I just burst out laughing. Liam just groaned and went to pick Louis's clothes off the sand. Which only made us laugh harder.

Niall and I soon joined Louis, in a more dignified manner, while Zayn and Liam lay out in the sun talking. Liam apparently was too white for his liking and Zayn wanted to catch up on extra sleep. Typical.

Niall suddenly grabbed me from underneath the water making me lose my balance and fall face first into the white spray. My lungs screamed for air, but there was nothing but water. I surfaced gasping to see Niall laughing his head off. Louis tackled him from behind and they both went under, only to resurface quickly spitting out salt water. Niall swore to Louis amusement, for he cracked up laughing. I knew better than to laugh loudly at the soaking irish lad and began half running half paddling away. Louis decided to follow my lead and we bolted back to the shore.

Niall's P.O.V

I stopped chasing after the guys, who were now cowering behind an angry Liam, and instead turned my attention to a large van that had pulled up quite close by. I sighed as teenagers began streaming out, the fandom would begin. To my pleasant surprise, I knew they recognised us, but they seemed quite down to earth, unpacking the van and chatting among themselves instead of mobbing us. Smiling softly I walked over towards the guys.

"What do you think of our new neighbours?"Louis asked me, still keeping Liam between us. "Pretty down to earth, I think we won't have a problem with them" I said shrugging. "Well, that might be about to change" Liam pointed out as three of them walked over to us. Two girls and a guy in their early twenties. Probably Uni students.

"Hey mate, wanna join our party?" The guy called out as he neared us. Gesturing to the others unloading the van behind us he added "We have fine food, great tunes, and sunblock" My face lit up as I turned to the guys. "He got me back at the fine food, what do you guys think?" I asked. We hadn't taken much food with us and I was already starving.

"Sure, we'd love to come" Liam answered for the rest of us. Zayn got up with a sigh and Harry glared at him. "He's just cranky because he had to get up early this morning" Harry explained. "Only because you two woke me up with your romantic wrestling match" Zayn retorted pointing a stern finger at Harry and Louis.

"Don't listen to him, Louis stole my toast I slaved after the hot stove to make" Harry turned to a petit brunette and offered his hand. "I'm Harry" he added and the girl giggled and shook his hand. Rolling my eyes I turned away. Of course Harry would begin flirting the moment he neared a female. I suddenly caught Louis expression. Was that anger flickering on his face? When I looked back it was gone. Maybe I imagined  it.

We followed the others back to their spot. "I'm sexy and I know it" was playing loudly and two guys were flipping meat on the barbacue. I scanned the group. There were about ten teens here, not including us. Some were pretty hot to tell you the truth. An added bonus, none of them were fangirling.

"Hey Horan, come dance with us" A tall red haired girl offered. Was that an irish accent I heard. Suddenly hooked, I joined the girl and two of her friends who were having a contest to determine the worst dancer.

Harry's P.O.V

 "So, love, would you like to dance?" I asked. I still didn't know this girl's name, so I decided to insert the word love in there instead. It always makes them buzz. This girl was no exception and she giggled softly and nodded. Ok, I might be being a bit rude here, but I guy's allowed to have fun right? I was simply testing the waters, for I still didn't know this girl.

As I put my hands on her waist, Total eclipse of the heart began playing. I grinned and she noticed. "You sang this on the X Factor" it was a statement. I nodded, remembering the vampire theme. We all looked pretty creepy with the eye make up. My thoughts were jolted back to the present as she looped her arms around my neck and pressed our foreheads together. I wasn't resisting. We swayed to the music, her looking down, blushing softly while I looked past her shoulder, watching Liam and Zayn, deep in conversation with the two guys manning the barbie.

(Incase you guys are confused, barbie is slang for barbacue. Its a common saying here in NZ but I'm not sure about you guys)

Louis had removed his shirt and was applying SPF 30 as he spoke to his abs. I shook my head, redirecting my thoughts back to the girl in front of me.The song finished just as the guys at the barbie yelled out "Come and get it" Looking at the time I realised it was past 12pm. Feeling suddenly ravenous I joined the queue

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