Part 13 - Shall We Start Again?

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I walked into my bedroom and grabbed a bag from my wardrobe. I had no idea how long I was going to be away for, but I just needed time away from Tom.

He needed time to think and I needed to think. It's not good for us to always be around each other. We were getting on each other's nerves now and we just needed space. Needed time to think about everything which had happened today.

Nathan had made me re-think my decision. His comment had made me question what I was doing. Maybe sleeping with Jay wasn't the best idea I had ever come up with. Sure it would keep me safe when we went out and I was less likely to go off with other people. But I didn't love Jay and I didn't want to be in a relationship with him. I just wanted to be friends with him since he was the person I trusted the most out of all the boys.

He had been there for me a lot recently. I didn't want to throw any of that away because of my stupidity.

Nathan is right though.

I don't have to do this if I don't want to. And I really don't want to do it. I just want to know that he is always going to be there for me when I need him.

That's enough for me.

"Kimberly, are you alright?" I heard someone say as they knocked on the door. I guessed that it must have been Emma since she was the only other girl here at the time.

"Like you care..." I said back to her.

"Can I come in?" she asked me.

"If you really want to!"

"Look, I'm sorry about what happened. Are you alright?" she asked me again.

"Why are you sorry? It wasn't you who made me talk about something I never wanted to remember again..." I said, throwing some clothes into the bag which was lying open on the bed. I had no idea what I was even packing, I was just grabbing random things from my wardrobe and drawers.

"I'm sorry that he made you talk about it. He should never have made you talk about it the way that you did..." Emma smiled slightly at me as she sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I thought you would have loved the fact I was suffering. I was an idiot and still am an idiot!" I shrugged in reply.

"I don't really know you, so I can't make a comment. It does sound like you made a mistake, but everyone makes mistakes and you need to move on from that; sleeping with Jay isn't going to help you move on though..." she said and I knew she was right. Sleeping with Jay was just stupid and was never going to helpo me get over everything that happened. I had to tell him that I didn't want to do it anymore. I just wanted to be friends with him.

"I know sleeping with Jay isn't going to help me, but I just want to feel safe and Jay makes me feel safe. It's stupid really..." I muttered.

"There is someone that could make you feel that way if you give him the chance to..." she replied and I knew exactly who she was talking about. Obviously, being Nathan's bestfriend, she was going to try and change my mind about him. She would need a lot of luck with that one because it wasn't going to work.

"But I don't like him. I never have done and it's going to take time for me to even consider him a friend!" I said.

"Look, Nathan isn't that bad when you get to know him. I bet if you two went out together, on your own for the day, then you would think differently about him. I know you have your differences, but you need to give him a chance!" she smiled at me. She was really trying her best to make me change my mind about Nathan. She might be having more luck than some. But that could just be because she's his bestfriend and knows him better than anyone. She was making me seriously think about what she was saying.

"I'll think about it and I'll get back you on that one..." I said.

"That's all I ask for you to do!"

"Maybe I was wrong about you. You're not that bad afterall..." I smiled in her direction as I threw the last of my clothes into my bag. I had judged Emma before I'd even got to know her and she wasn't actually that bad. She was quite nice when she wanted to be, which surprised me. I really need to stop thinking I know what people are going to be like before I've even got to know them.

"And maybe I was wrong about you. You're just a little misunderstood and need someone to talk to from time-to-time..." she replied back to me, a smile appearing on her face.

"I suppose I'd better get going. Jay is waiting for me!" I said as I picked my bag up off the bed and went to walk out of the room.

"Remember to talk to Jay tonight. And think about what I said about Nathan, it might be worth a try..." she said to me and with that I left the room. Leaving her in the bedroom, probably feeling pretty happy with herself that she had managed to make me think about what she had told me about Nathan.

I never said I would definitely go out for the day with Nathan. I said I would just think about it.

I knew she was right though. Nathan would keep me safe and he would make sure I didn't do anything stupid because I knew he loved me. He had loved me for a long time now and I knew how jealous he was about the agreement between me and Jay.

Maybe I should go out with Nathan for the day.

He can't be that bad and it would give me an opportunity to get to know him. It might change my opinion of him all together and it might help me consider him as more than a friend.

I guess I'll just think about it tonight and see what happens. Tomorrow is a new day and who knows what will happen...

*Sorry for how short it is, but still hope you like it and it's not too boring for you people.

So...Emma might have convinced Kimberly to change her mind about Nathan and he offer with Jay. Just have to wait and see if she did successfully manage to do that mwhaha!;D

I'm all for Team Nathan here, but shush that's a secret!:P what about the rest of you guys?:D

Anyway, thanks for reading people and hope you keep on reading.

Love you all,

Emma :)xx*

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