Part 12 - So...What Did Happen In Bolton?!

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I had managed to convince Jay that he should come back here once Tom had left and gone out with 'her.' I had to apologise to him on behalf of Tom, because there was no way that he was going to do that. I knew he wasn't sorry for what he did. He was only sorry that me and Nathan were there to stop him from doing anything worse than what he did. Which is a scary thought actully. Knowing that Tom would gladly hurt one of his bestfriends, just because they broke his simple rule.

I was twenty and I could do what the hell I liked. I didn't need my brother trying to protect me all the time. Especially when I knew I wasn't going to hurt this time. I had built a lot of trust up with Jay recently and had told him more than I had ever told the others. Apart from what happened in Bolton. I didn't tell him that bit. I just wasn't ready to let him know just how insecure and vulnerable I actually was.

"Kim?" Jay said suddenly.

"Yes Jay?" I smiled at him as I looked up so that I could see his face from his lap.

"Why don't you like talking about your past?"

"It's a part of my life that I would rather forget and I don't want everyone knowing what happened. I'd rather just keep it between me, Tom and Jake..." I replied without even thinking. After I had said it, I realised what I had said. But I couldn't take it back now. It was too late for that now and I was going to have to explain some stuff to Jay a little sooner than I planned.

"Who's Jake?"

"My ex-boyfriend who nearly ended up dead thanks to Tom..." I muttered, hoping that he didn't hear me. But I knew there was no chance of that one. He did hear me because he made me sit up so I was now looking into his eyes. He had a sad look on his face. Like he felt hurt that I had never told him this before.

"And why did-"

"Alright Jay?" Tom shouted happily as he walked into the room, his hand placed safely in Emma's. Nice to see they didn't waste any time in getting together. I meet Tom's eyes and he shot me an extremely disapproving glance before looking away again. The same happened when I looked at Emma as well. I guess neither of them liked me very much at the moment.

"I'd be much better if you hadn't nearly killed me..." Jay said, the tone of annoyance was obvious when he spoke.

"Yeah, sorry about that mate. I just over-reacted and didn't think before it happened..." Tom said, still sounding too happy for someone that was actually sorry for what happened.

"Whatever Tom. I'm going to get a drink!" Jay said before he disappeared into the kitchen. Slamming to door shut behind him. It was going to take more than an apology to make Jay forgive Tom.

"This is your fault..." I heard Tom say angrily behind me.

"How is this my fault?" I snapped. I was fed up with being blamed for everything that went wrong in Tom's life. He really needed to learn when to take responsibility for his actions and stop blaming me all the time. It was getting annoying now and I wasn't going to take any more of it. Especially from my brother.

"We were all happy until you turned up here and made things difficult. You hate Nathan for no reason, you jump into bed with Jay just because he threw himself at you and next you'll probably end up telling me that you've also slept with Max as well..."

"You always see the worst in me, you can never see anything good in me. And you wonder why I act the way that I do!"

"No, you act the way that you do because you're nothing more than a kid who needs to learn when to grow up. You say that you're trying to move on from the past, but you're doing exactly the same things down here that you did back in Bolton so you can't be moving on from the past..." he shouted at me. In a way he was right, I was doing the same thing down here that I did when I was living in Bolton. But I wasn't as bad as I was when we lived there. No where near as bad.

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