Part 22 - Kiss You!

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Hey guys,

So I think this will be the last part until after Christmas now. Just because I've uploaded loads today for the simple reason that I was bored and couldn't at all last night. But I might upload one more tonight, haven't decided yet.

I hope you all an awesome Christmas and have fun tomorrow.

This part is based on 'Kiss You' which is another song by One Direction - one of the four  songs that I like off the new album. I think that it fits what I am writing which is why I'm using this song.

Love all you and thaks for reading,

Hope you enjoy the rest of the day.

Love Em :)xx



I walked into the flat to see Kimberly sat on the sofa. The tears still silently rolling down her cheeks. She knew that I was in the room, but she just refused to look at me. Instead she retured her focus to the spot on the floor which she had previouslt been staring at.

I had done really well this time.

"Kimberly, look I'm really sorry. I should never have said what I did, it was wrong of me..." I said as I took a seat on the sofa next to her.

"But you still said it. Doesn't matter if it was wrong of you or not. You still said it!" she replied, bursting into tears again as she spoke.

"Just give me another chance. I'll prove how sorry I am..."

"How do I know you're not going to do the same thing again when I tell you something that you don't like?" she questioned me.

"Because I hate seeing you like this, knowing it was my fault. Sure you made me feel like nothing for the past year, but you didn't deserve that!"

"Why not? I am nothing. I'm a failure and a disappointment to everyone, why would you ever love someone like me?"

"Because I'm not like every other guy out there. I know there is something in you which you can't see and I don't just want to sleep with you because I can. I want to sleep with you because you feel the same way about me as I do about you!" I said as I lifted her head up so she was looking me in the eyes. The tears still falling from them as I wipped them away with my thumbs.

"The past month without you has been hell. I've cried myself to sleep because I thought I was never going to see you again, so it's not that I don't love you. I just feel like I need to get to know you better before I can see those three words with more passion and emphasis..." she smiled weakly at me. This is why I should have listened to her in the first place. She wouldn't be in this state now and she would still be smiling. I was such an idiot when I wanted to be. There is no denying that one.

"Well this your time to get to know me better. Ask me anything and I'll answer it truthfully..." I smiled back at her as I placed my hand on her knee.

"Okay then. Why do you love me?" she asked me. I knew this would be the first question that she asked me because she was always asking me. And the answer was pretty simple really;

"You have everything that I need and I think you look amazing. You have the personality which makes me laugh, you have a smile which makes me want to smile, you have the kindness which you don't show to many people because you have trust isses and you don't act like anyone other than yourself. That's why I love you Kimberly..."

"Why would you pick me when you could have your pick of any girl in the world?"

"Because I can't stand the thought of you being with another person, it makes more jealous than you can imagine. I want to be able to show you off to all my friends and tell them that you're all mine..."

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