Part 16 - Everyone Gets Happiness..

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In that moment I had my decision. I had decided what I was going to do.

I was going to give Nathan the chance that he had waited so long for. I was going to go out with him for the day and see if my opinion did change. I might actually want to become friends with him after we've finished. Something I never thought would happen. And I'm sure Nathan never thought it would happen either.

He'll feel like all his chrismas' have come at once.

At the same time I would be making Nathan happy, I would also wind Tom up. That would please me very much after everything he has put me through in the last twenty-four hours.


I probably am.

Do I care?

Not in the slightest.

I grabbed my phone off my bed and text Nathan. I did promise him that I would let him know about my decision. Now I was going to make him the happiest guy ever. I scrolled through my phone and attempted to find Nathan's number. But I couldn't find it. He wasn't under Nathan and he wasn't under Sykes. I began to wonder what he had saved himself as.

I went through my contacts for a second time. That's when I noticed that there was a name which I didn't recognise. I assumed that it could only be Nathan's number. Sometimes he was a complete idiot and did the weirdest things. He had saved himself as 'My Worst Enemy.' God he was a strange one.

To My Worst Enemy:

Hey Nath, meet me at the coffee shop in town in half hour. Be on time or I'll leave and pretend this never happened. From Kimberly x

My finger lingered over the send button, wondering if I should actually send it. I did have to make it up to him but what if he had changed his mind about me? What if he didn't want to see me now, after everything he had heard about me yesterday? What if he just wanted me to feel like this as a way of getting revenge on me?

Stop it Kimberly. Nathan isn't going to have changed his mind. He still wants to try and be friends with me, even though he wanted more than that. He was going to have to wait for that one. I just had to spend the day with him, it could totally change my opinion and prove me wrong. I had to do this to help me move on.

I had to spend the day with Nathan.

I had to prove to myself that he was either as bad as I had always thought he was. Or that he wasn't actually that bad and I had just made him out to be worse than he was. Today, I would walk away being friends with Nathan or hating him more than I did before.

I'm hoping that we walk away friends.

I need as many friends as I can get right now. And, since many people hate me, I have to take what I can get.


I arrived at the cafe with five minutes to spare and, surprisingly, Nathan was already there. He must have really wanted to see me. I walked over to him, with a small smile on my face. He didn't see me coming since he was doing something on his phone. I chuckled slightly as I took the seat opposite him.

"Sorry, I'm actually waiting-" Nathan said as he looked up and saw me sitting there. A massive smile spread across his face as his eyes made contact with mine. I'd never noticed how amazing they were before today. The green sparkled and he looked so happy. Like he was properly happy.

"Hi Nath..." I smiled at him.

"Hey Kimberly..." he replied.

"Don't tell anyone I said this, but I'm kind of happy that you came today. I thought you might hate me!" I laughed awkwardly.

"I'd never hate you, I've already told you that I love you and I still don't know why, but I love you Kimberly!" he replied.

"You want something to drink?" I asked so that I could avoid making the situation even more awkward than it already was. I knew that Nathan loved me but he didn't need to tell me every single time that he saw me. It just made things worse between us. I wanted to get to know Nathan before I decided if I was ever going to like him more than friends. Not be pressured into loving him immediately.

"Ermm, yeah. I'll buy them, what do you want?" he replied.

"Are you sure?"

"Wouldn't ask if I wasn't sure..." he joked.

"Funny man aren't you?" I laughed lightly back at him. I guess the first thing I had learnt about Nathan was that he thought he was going to be the next Russell Howard. I didn't want to ruin it by telling him that he would never be better than Russell Howard. Not even Nathan Sykes.

"Well, I do try..."

"You going to buy these drinks or not?"

"You going to tell me what you want or not?" he replied smugly. He really did think he was hilarious. Stupid Nathan. But at least he took away from the awkwardness which had previously existed.

"Hot chocolate with cream, marshmellows and chocolate sprinkles..." I smiled at him.

"Don't I even get a please?" he replied, pretending to be in a mood with me already. At least he had successfully cheered me up and taken my mind of everything which was going on with Tom at the moment. So far, he was turning out to be better than I thought he would be. Guess I was wrong and you can't judge a book by its cover. I had hated Nathan for this long, but he wasn't that bad. He was rather kind. Even to me who had treated me like crap.

"Pretty please with Nathan Sykes on top, can I have a hot chocolate-"

"With cream, marshmellows and chocolate sprinkles?" he interrupted me.

"You got it..." I giggled and with that he walked away to the counter.

Looks like today was going to be a good day and I was going to be proved wrong. I could see myself walking away from this with a new friend. A friend that I never thought I would have. If you had said to me a month ago, I could be friends with Nathan Sykes, then I would have called you liar and said you were mental. But if you told me today, I would just smile and accept what you were saying.

The possibility of me and Nathan actually being friends was looking more and more likely.

The one thing I never thought was going to happen; could actually happen today.

And it would probably be one of the happiest moments of my life. It actually would be.

*WHOO! So, Kimberly finally gave Nathan the chance that he wanted. Now everyone can be happy and stop hating me for making you wait for this to happen. Happy times for them all.

And I'm happy today. I got an offer from one of my university options today...never expected it. So yeah, I'm happy..Nathan is're all happy..everyone is happy.


Anyway, thanks again for reading, commenting and voting.

Love to you all,

Em :)xx*

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