Part 15 - The Decision Has Been Made..

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Jay was sat in the living room with the other boys. But they weren't talking to Tom. You could tell that they were annoyed with him and they didn't understand why he acted the way that he did. But I didn't understand either. I just wanted him to go back to being the over-protective older brother that he was.

Not this complete twat who didn't really care whether I lived or died. Sure Tom annoyed me, but that's what happens when you're related. All brothers and sisters get annoyed with each other from time-to-time. But they don't all start acting the way that Tom has. They still care about one and another. But not Tom.

Tom just cared about himself and cared that he had won. He got the girl and lost his sister all in one day. That's what he wanted. That's what he got. Yet he didn't even seem to care about that. He only cared about his own happiness and acheiving what he wanted. Looks like he's got all of that then and he's never going to change. He's changed into someone that I don't even recognise anymore.

And that is sad.

"Kim, are you ready to go now?" Jay asked, throwing a smile in my direction.

"Yeah, I'm ready Jay. Just need to get something from my room..." I replied as I left the room. Allowing Jay to say goodbye to the others while I got the last thing that I needed from my room. It was the only thing that I required to make sure I remembered the old times me and Tom shared. It was a picture. Taken when I first visited the boys after they had got into the band. I was stood next to my brother. I had his arm around my shoulder, hugging me like he used to when I was upset. I miss those times but I know there's no way of going back to them.

Tom has changed and he is never going to be the person that he used to be. He has made his choice and I have to accept that. I just have to live my life to the full and do things which make me proud. Tom doesn't care about me anymore and I don't care about him. I was never coming back to him and I wasn't going to talk to him until he apologised.

We all make mistakes and he needs to realise that's what I did in Bolton.

Made a mistake.

"You got everything now?" Jay smiled at me as I walked back down the stairs to see Jay, Nathan and Max there with smiles on their faces.

"I have everything now..." I smiled back at him.

"Well, guess we'll be seeing you around at some point!" Max said as he pulled me into a hug.

"It's not like you'll never see me again. You just won't be seeing me in this place for a while..." I muttered into his shoulder as I hugged him back.

"I would hug you, but I quite like my face in one piece..." Nathan laughed.

"Why don't you give me your number instead. I've got a decision to make and I'll let you know about it tomorrow!" I smiled slightly at him, looking nervously at the ground as I did so.

"Wow. Never thought I would hear them words coming from your mouth..." he laughed back at me.

"Just hurry up before I change my mind!" I smiled as I handed him my phone so that he could so as I had asked him to do. I had a feeling that this was one of the best moments of Nathan's life. Me asking him to give me his number. I never thought I would ask him, so I can't imagine how he's feeling right now.

"We'd better get going then. Wouldn't want  Tom to try and change your mind..." Jay said as he opened the front door and signalled for me to leave before he did. He was such a gentlemen. Sometimes I wondered if the entire female population was stupid. He shouldn't be single. He deserves to be in a relationship with someone.

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