Part 14 - I love she's going to want to read this part even more!;D

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I know the others think I was too hard on my sister. But she always gets the easy life. It's about time that she told people what was going on with her life. Everyone deserved to know the truth. It might make them re-think what they like about her.

She was never going to tell them. I don't care if it was her decision whether to tell them or not.

She's told them now. She can hate me all she wants, but it's not going to make me think any differently. I've done the right thing by making her tell the truth and, in time, she'll come to realise that I've done the right thing in making her tell them what happened.

She needs to move on from the past and she can only do that with our help.

"Jay, can I talk to you for a minute please?" Kimberly said as she appeared in the doorway with a bag over her shoulder.

"Sure..." Jay smiled as he walked over to her.

"So, you're really going then?" I asked her.

"I don't want to be around you right now Tom. You've really hurt me..."

"Well, by telling the truth, it will help you move on!" I shrugged at her. Like I cared that I had hurt her. She had hurt me but she doesn't she me crying about it.

"Just shut up and go back to your perfect life. I don't even want to talk to you anymore!"

"You'll be back here before the end of next week. You're my sister and you can't hate me for that long..."

"We'll see about that one Tom. We'll see about that one..." she said as she disappeared from the room, with Jay following behind her. I waited for them to fully disappear before I followed after them to see what they were talking about.

Yeah, I was nosey when I wanted to be. But I liked to know what was going on in my sister's life. Even if she hated what as going on in my life.

"Look Jay, about this deal-"

"I know, I don't really want to do it either. I don't want to ruin our friendship..." Jay interrupted her before she could finish what she was saying. It's like he read her mind and knew what she was going to say.

"Really?" Kimberly stated with a shocked tone.

"Yes Kim. I don't want to throw everything away which we've built together, I love you as a friend. Nothing more and nothing less..."

"Thanks Jay. You're the greatest bestfriend I could ask for and thanks for everything recently..." she smiled back at him. And once I had heard that, I just walked away and left them to carry on talking to each other.

I suppose I should be happy that they're not going to go through with the deal and they're just going to be friends. But I feel like she is going to do something really stupid now. Jay was the only thing keeping her safe and now she doesn't have him.

God knows what she is going to do now just to get her revenge on me.

I made her very upset by making her talk about what happened in Bolton. And I could tell that the others were annoyed with me as well. But that wasn't going to bother me. They needed to know the truth. And now they do. I see nothing wrong in what I did.

They know the truth and she is moving out. I win. Just like I always do with my sister. She would have to get over that fact and she would have to accept that what's done is done. She can't change that and neither can I.

But I can change her future. And that is exactly what I have done.

Overall, I think today has been a massive success. Thanks to my quick thinking and pure geniusness.

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