Part 18 - I Should Have Kissed You..

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We had spent nearly three hours looking around shops now. But had only managed to buy four new things. Turns out changing your image is harder than Kimberly first thought.

Everything I love on her, she hates. And everything she loves on her, I hate.

If I had known it was going to be this much trouble, then I never would have bothered asking her to come shopping. We were now in our sixth shop and were still having no luck. We walked around looking at everything which they had to offer. Yet nothing really seemed to stand out to Kimberly. She thought it was all too plain and boring; but she had said that about every single shop we've been in so far.

"Nath, why do we have to keep looking for things? I'm never going to find anything I like..." Kimberly complained as she dismissed yet another pair of jeans back to the shelf which she had got them from.

"Because you're really fussy about everything. If it's not perfect, then you don't bloody want it!" I replied.

"Well it's not fault that every shop we've been in sells ugly clothes..."

"You're trying to change your image, not host a fashion show!" I said a little more sarcastically than I planned to. But she needed to make her mind up and she needed to do it fast. I was just getting bored with this now. And my feet were killing me. I wanted to get home and sit down in front of the TV with a nice cuppa.

"What would you recommend then?" she asked.

"You haven't listened to me other thousand times you've asked me, so why would this time be any different?"

"Just pick something for to try on. I might actually like it this time..." she laughed as she walked back towards me, with a smile on her face. I wasn't holding my breath for her to like it though. I'm sure she would find something to criticise in whatever I picked out for her. She had been that annoying each time I've suggested an outfit for her.

"Fine. I will."I sighed as I began looking around the women's section of the shop. Rather weird if you ask me, but I wasn't going to complain. I just wanted to get this done and get home. I grabbed a pair of black jeggings from one shelf, a strapless lilac top with a few sparkles from another shelf and then I took a blazer with three quarter length sleeves off the rail. I handed them to her with a half-hearted smile. She actually looked pretty happy with what I had picked out.


"While I'm trying this on, find me some shoes to go with it..." she smiled at me.

"Nope..." I replied simply.

"Oh. Pretty please Nathan because you're awesome and you love me?" she giggled as she did her best puppy dog eyes. They worked because I gave in and did as she had asked. Kimberly walked off the the changing room, the outfit that I had picked for her in one hand and her phone in the other. Swear she was always on that phone and I'll give you one guess who.

Yeah. That's right.

She's still arguing with Tom. Pointless if you ask me because Tom will win. He is impossible to beat in an argument. He has to be right, even when he is totally wrong and nowhere near the truth. You just tend to let Tom win and let him think he always wins.

After looking at all the pairs which they had to offer, I decided on a pair of black ankle boots. I thought they were rather stylish and would make Kimberly look very flattering. I'm sure she wouldn't agree with me. But I was used to that now. The amount of times that she's criticised me for what I've picked out for her. I would be surprised if she liked this outfit though.

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