Part 24 - Looking To The Future And Forgetting The Past..

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Three weeks had passed since Boxing Day. The day where Kimberly finally understood just how much I loved her and how long I had waited for her. It was an amazing day and, if I could go back to there, then I would.

Seeing the family also went well. My mum and Jess absolutely loved Kimberly. My mum had no idea what had happened between us and couldn't have been happier for me. But Jess had seen some of things which happened between us on Twitter - she was shocked at first but, after she had got to know the Kimberly which I know and love, she began to change her mind about her. I couldn't have been happier that everyone loved Kimberly. It was an amazing way to end Christmas.

Jay is the only one who know Kimberly is back in London. He wanted to know when he was next going to see her and she told him to come round mine. He got the shock of his life when she opened the door and pulled him into a massive hug.

That was two and a half weeks ago now.

She still hadn't told any of the others. Although Tom was new realising the effect of what he had done to his own sister. It's all he goes on about when we're at the studio - how sorry he is and he never wanted any of this to happen. I think it was a little too late for apologises.

Today was our day off though and I was spending it on the sofa with Kimberly. We were just watching some random crap on the TV. Wasn't really paying attention to what it was. I was more concerned about Kimberly. She hadn't been herself for the past week now. She's always running in and out of the toilet in the mornings. I hadn't asked her what was wrong, but that's because I haven't really been here that much.

Today would be the perfect opportunity to make her tell me what was wrong.

"Nath, do you want a cuppa?" Kimberly shouted from the kitchen.

"Yes please. You know how I like it..." I replied.

"Indeed I do know. Indeed I do..." she shouted back at me.

"You also know that Jay is coming round today, don't you?"

"Yeah, he text me earlier. But he also said that Tom was coming with him..." she said as she walked back into the room. Two cups of tea in each of her hands and a smile om her face. She was always smiling, even when something bad could happen.

"What are you going to do then? You can't keep hiding from him!"

"Yeah I know I can't. But he still hates me, so do you really think he's going to be over the moon to see me here?"

"Look, he doesn't hate you. He really regrets everything that he said to you, but he doesn't have it in him to tell you that himself..." I replied as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her in for a hug.

"I'm sure that when he finds out about us, he'll soon change his mind again..." she muttered back, placing her head on my shoulder as she did so.

"We need to tell him soon. We can't keep this a secret for much longer!"

"Yeah, I know we can't. I just don't want you to get into something with my brother because of me!" she sighed.

"I meant what I said, about no one stopping us from being together. Not even Tom and Lewis..."

"Do you want to tell Tom today then?"

"Only if you want to. We don't have to if you're still not ready..."

"Still not ready for-" Tom started before stopping mid-sentence when he saw his sister leaning on me the way that she was. He looked shocked to see her since he never thought he would be seeing her again. And I'm sure he was never expecting to see her in my house with my arm wrapped around her. He must have been extremely shocked to see that.

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