Part 17 - Changing Opinion?

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When I got that text message this morning, I could hardly believe what I was reading.

After a year of being rejected and hated by Kimberly, she finally gave in and asked me to meet her. She told me not to be late and I wasn't going to throw this chance away. Not when it had been given to me after so long of fighting for it. This meant to me more than Kimberly would ever know.

She knew that I loved her, but I know that she doesn't feel the same way. She has hated me for this long so she isn't going to just fall in love with me after thirty seconds of being around me. But I always make things awkward.

I could tell that I made her feel awkward the minute I told her that I loved her. I don't need to keep telling her. The more that I keep mentioning it, the more that she is going to hate me. I need to keep my mouth shut and just make her like me first. If she wants to become friends, then she will tell me.

I can't force her into something that she doesn't want.

I have to let her make her mind up and I have to let her do it in her own time.

I suppose things are going pretty well so far. I've only made the situation awkward once, but Kimberly quickly changed the subject. I do need to shut up and just keep things they way that they are right now because, for once, something good is actually happening for me.

I walked back over to the table where Kimberly was sat, starring at her phone. I could see that she was crying at something. But I didn't know if I should ask or if I should just pretend that I hadn't seen anything. I mean, would she actually tell me what was wrong?

She hates me, so surely she wouldn't trust me this quickly. Would she?

"Are you alright Kimberly?" I asked as I handed her the drink which she had asked me to buy for her.

"Yeah, I'm fine Nathan..." she replied through her tears as she looked up at me.

"Are you sure?" I asked again. She clearly wasn't fine. Nobody sits there crying if they're fine. Something has to have happened to make her this upset. And it must have been something pretty big since Kimberly never cries unless she is on her own. She was never one for telling people how she was feeling.

"No Nathan, I'm not sure. My whole family hates me and want nothing more to do with me..." she said as the tears kept falling from her eyes. They didn't show any signs of stopping either. I just moved my chair around next to her and pulled her into a hug. She didn't fight me and she didn't push me away;. She just hugged my back while continuing to cry onto my shoulder.

"I'm sure they don't all hate you, maybe they just need time..." I whispered back to her.

"My parents and Lewis have a had a year to get over what I did, but they still see me as a complete failure who has done nothing but disappoint them. And Tom...well, where do I start with him!" she laughed slightly when she said the last bit. Like it was a joke of some kind. But after the way that Tom had acted recently, I wasn't suprised about that.

"Look, I know they're your family but maybe you should just let them get on with it. It's their loss if they decide they want nothing more to do with you. You made a mistake, they should just accept that and let you move on..." I said as I rubbed her back gently.

"I'm sorry Nathan. Just ignore me, we were supposed to have a good day and now I'm ruining it!" she chuckled as she pulled away from me and wiped the tears away from her eyes. She smiled at me, but I could tell that's the last thing she wanted to do. She was too hurt to want to be happy. I always knew when she was lying and this is one of them times. But I'll talk to her about it later.

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