Part 10 - Nathan Sykes Loves Me..

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Tom knew the truth and he hated me.

He hated the fact that Jay had slept with me. He hated the fact that I was only using Jay for a bit of fun. And he hated the fact that I was acting the same that he was.

He seems to think that the same thing which happened in Bolton is going to happen here as well. But what happened back in Bolton was a mistake. It should never have happened. And anyone who knows my brother well enough, will know that if they hurt me, then they will end up hurt back.

But Jay is never going to hurt me. He's one of Tom's bestfriends and I've got to know him pretty well during the last year. I know that he just enjoys the fact he can easily get between my sheets and I will willingly allow him to do so. But I rather enjoy the fact that he wants to sleep with me. I mean, he's Jay McGuiness and he could have girl that he wants. Just with a click of his fingers. Yet, he's decided that it's me he wants to sleep with.

I guess that makes me kind of happy.

Knowing that if I ever want someone to keep my bed warm with me at night. Then I can just turn to Jay and he'll be more than willing to do that. I know that we're only using each other, but he doesn't want a relationship with me and I'm definitely not ready for a proper relationship. Everyone deserves a little fun, so I'm going to have my fun.

"Kimberly?" I heard Nathan say as he knocked on my door.

"What do you want Nathan?" I replied, wiping the remaining tears away from my eyes. Nathan had never seen or heard me cry, and that wasn't about to change now.

"I just wanted to make sure that you're alright..."

"Why would you care?"

"Look, just because you hate me doesn't mean I hate you in return..." he said with a gentle tone. All this time I had spent treating him like crap and he still couldn't bring himself to hate me. It was obvious to everyone just how much he liked me and how jealous he got when he saw me with other guys. But I didn't feel the same.

This was Nathan Sykes that we're talking about here.

The guy who I had nothing but hate towards. The guy who thought he could get any woman he wanted just by saying his name. The guy who I always though was arrogant and stuck-up. The guy who I had never bothered actually getting to know.

Yeah. That's who we're talking about right now.

"But this has nothing to do with you. I bet you're enjoying watching me go through all this!"

"Kimberly, no one should have to go through what you do. Before you even got here, Tom told us that you had been through a pretty bad time and we should just be nice to you...we all deserve a break sometimes. Even someone like you!" Nathan laughed slightly as he said the last bit. They say that everything happens for a reason. I'm just trying to find the reason for everything which has happened to me.

"If everyone deserves a break, then why does I get all the bad luck?" I said miserably.

"I remember when you first turned up on the doorstep at this place. You were so shy, didn't want to talk to any of us and you seemed broken. Like you were never going to be happy or trust another person again but recently, you've turned into this person who I don't recognise anymore. You go out, full of confidence, like nothing can hurt you and then you come back here with a different guy each time...I guess now you've got Jay though, you'll be coming back with the same guy each night. At least you're going to stop putting yourself in danger for a while..." he answered with. It sounded like he actually cared about me. Like he was worried about the danger I was putting myself in. But it also seemed like he was slightly happy in the fact it was Jay that I was going to be constantly sleeping with now. A hint of jealousy was evident in his voice though.

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