Part 23 - Late Christmas Presents..

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Christmas Day came and passed without any sign of Kimberly. She said she would surprise me by not telling me what day she was coming. But I thought she was going to come before Christmas Day. It didn't even cross my mind that she might turn up after Christmas had been and gone.

I had prepared everything thinking that she was going to be here for Christmas Day and it just went to waste.

I felt so hurt and betrayed. After everything that she had said to me. Everything that happened the day we were in Bolton. Apparently it meant nothing to her. She just told me what I wanted to hear.

She was nothing more than a liar.

A hurtful and common liar.

And I thought she was different.

I was spending Boxing Day with the family. Since I missed Christmas Day with them in the hope Kimberly decided she was going to make an appearance. A day wasted in my opinion. I could have been enjoying the day with my family. Instead I was waiting in my place for the whole day, for someone that never turned up.

But today I was just going to enjoy myself. Forget about everything which had happened recently. Probably end up drinking far too much and passing out in the living room - that happened last Boxing Day. Was rather embarrassing. But at least I knew I'd had a good night. I was hoping the same wouldn't happen today, but I knew that wasn't going to happen.

Not when it was such a happy time of year.

I looked at my watch, a new present from Siva, and saw that it had just turned half eight. Half hour to get ready. I'm sure I would be leaving here later than I planned, but then I was never on time. The day that happened was the day that the world ended. And we all know that's not going to happen for another four billions years. Or something like that anyway. I don't really care because I'll be dead when it occurs anyway.

I was about to walk up the stairs when there was a knock at the door. I sighed to myself as I walked towards the front door, pulling it open to reveal Kimberly. She was stood there with a smile on her face and she was covered in snow. It had been slowly falling ever since three this morning. It was going to be fun driving the two hours in this weather.

"Kimberly?" I said in shock. I was surprised to see her stood there, I had just assumed that she wasn't coming.

"Hey Nathan..." she replied nervously.

"I thought you weren't coming!"

"Well, I had a few problems to deal with back in Bolton before I came here. But I wasn't going to break my promise to you..." she smiled softly at me.

"What problems?" I asked suspiciously. She hadn't told me about anything that was going on back in Bolton. I thought that everything was going alright for her. Well, that's what she told me anyway.

"Don't worry about it. Merry Christmas Nathan and sorry I'm late!"

"Merry Christmas KImberly. You get anything nice?"

"Emma bought me some chocolates, apparently I'm impossible to buy for. And I got an apology card from Lewis..." she laughed. Her laugh just made me smile. I couldn't stay angry at her for long. She was here now and she said that she was never going to break her promise. I guess I should have known that.

"Lewis? An apology card?" I chuckled as I let her into the house. Taking her bags off her as she walked in through the door, with a big smile on her face. I didn't mind being late now. Kimberly was here and that's all that mattered to me right now.

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