Part 25 - Everything Is Perfect...Or Is It?

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"Nathan. Jay. You can come back now..." I shouted up the stairs as I sat there, smiling at Tom. It gave me comfort knowing that he was right there with me. And he wasn't going to leave me this time.

"Alright Kim?" Jay beamed at me as he came running into the room. Embracing me in a tight hug, giving me barely enough room to breath.

"I'm brilliant Jay, and you?" I smiled back at him.

"Now I've seen you, I'm extremely happy!" he laughed at me. God he was an idiot when he wanted to be.

"Can one of you please text Max and Seev, I've got something to say but I want to tell you all together..." I smiled weakly around the room as I took my seat on the now empty sofa.

"I'll do that for you..." Tom replied, taking his phone from his back pocket and typing out some message to Max and Siva.

"Are you alright babe?" Nathan asked.

"I'm fine thanks, but I need to talk to you on your own before I talk to the others..." I muttered quietly.

"Okay then, do you want to go in the kitchen?" he said and I just nodded at him. Allowing him to lead the way to where I would tell him the news. I was slightly nervous about it. I know he loved me, but this was a big thing. He was a world wide pop sensation and I was just me. I was the disappointment that was Thomas Parker's sister.

Everyone knew me as the girl who had made Nathan's life a misery for the past year.

Now I was going to be known as the girl that slept with Nathan and got pregnant with his kid.

Everyone was going to hate me. That much I did know.

"Nathan, do you really love me?" I asked.

"What makes you think that I don't?" he replied as he took at seat at the breakfast bar.

"I just want to know Nathan. Do you really love me?" I asked again.

"Yes Kim. I love you more than anything and I will never leave you, what's all this about?"

"Will you love me even if I tell you something that could make everything difficult?"

"You haven't cheated on me, have you?" he asked me quickly. I don't see why he would assume I'd cheated. I'd never do that to him after everything which has happened between us. Cheating is the last thing that I would do.

"No, I haven't Nathan..."

"Then what is it? Just tell me..."

"I'm pregnant Nathan. I'm carrying your baby!" I burst out suddenly and a silence filled the room. There was no expression on his face which even gave me an indication as to how he was feeling about what I had told him. I didn't know if he was happy, if he was angry or if he was just disappointed. He was staring blankly at me. "Nathan, please say something to me..."

"I don't know what to say Kim. I really don't..."

"Just tell me how you feel. Do you want this baby with me or have I ruined your life?" I asked, trying my best not to cry. But I wasn't prepared for something like this.

"No, you haven't ruined my life. This is just a shock to me and I'm not ready for something like this and neither are you. I'm nineteen and you're twenty, how are we going to cope in bringing up a baby together?" he replied, thinking that he knew how I was feeling.

"I'm not getting rid off it, and that's before you even say anything. I'll do this with or without you Nathan, but you're not going to push me into something I don't want to do..."

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