Part 20 - Did He Ever Really Care?

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It had been a month since I was forced back to Bolton. And I absolutely hated it. Once Lewis had paid for me to stay in a hotel for a couple of weeks he left. Said he never wanted to see me again unless he had no other choice. But it's not like I wanted to see him either.

I hated him almost as much as I hated Tom. They had both made me leave, just at the point when I was actually happy in my life.

Since living here I've managed to find myself a job. Doesn't pay as much as my old one and the people aren't even as nice as the ones I used to know. I'm renting a crappy flat from a crappy landlord - he hates me because I missed a rent payment. Now I'm on my final warning so if I don't pay him again then I'm out. No one really cares about me.

The only people who do care about me are living in London. Well, I don't know if they care anymore. Only Jay had been in contact with me since I left. The others seemed to have forgotten that I existed. Even Nathan. After he had told me that he would come and get me, he didn't even bother texting me to make sure I was alright. He hasn't phoned. He doesn't reply to my text messages. And he ignores my phone calls.

It just makes me wonder if he ever really cared or if he had just been using me to prove a point. And to think that he actually made me happy once. He kissed me and told me that he loved me. I told him that I loved him. And the longer I stay away from him, the stronger my feelings become for him.

I long to be able to hold him in my arms again. To be able to hear his voice whispering in my ear. To feel the warmth of his body as he pulls me into a protective hug. I just miss him so much, yet he doesn't even seem to care. I was just something that he could have fun with when he was bored and had nothing better to do with his time.

Nathan Sykes used me for his own gain.

I don't even know why that surprises me.

I should be used to this by now. I was using guys for sex, just like they were using me. So it would only be fair if a guy did get his revenge on me for acting the way that I did. I suppose I was stupid to think that anyone would love me. I mean, no one wants someone like me when they can have their pick of any girl in the world. I would be bottom of their list.




I was distracted from my thoughts by the sound of the buzzer into my flat ringing out down the hallway. I wondered who it could be. I had no one living in Bolton that wanted to see or talk to me. I'd let them all down and they all hated me. I pressed the button to hear a familiar voice speaking to me;

"Alright Kim?" he said happily.

"What are you doing here?" I replied.

"Let us in and we'll explain everything..."

"Who's us?" I asked cautiously, not really wanting to let a lot of people into the place that I called home.

"Me, Em and Nath..." he said.

"Nathan is there?" I asked. Not even hiding the tone of shock from my voice. It had been over a month and not once had he tried to contact me. Yet here he was. Stood outside my flat with Jay and Emma. He had better have a good reason for ignoring me. Or there will be trouble.

"Yes Kimberly, I'm here. Now will you please let us in, it's bloody freezing out here..." Nathan laughed at. I pushed the button to release the door which would allow these three people to invade my space walked back into my living room, throwing myself into the sofa as I did so. I spent a lot of time watching the rubbish which they put on TV during the day when I wasn't working.

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