Part 4 - Strange Plans..

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Tonight we were all going out on the town. We were going out to have a good time and get completely smashed. Just what a good night should be like. In fact, a night out with the boys usually resulted in getting hammered and remembering nothing the following morning.

A couple of times, I have annoyed Tom with the guys that I bring home. But at least the guys I bring home are attractive and I can usually remember their names. When my brother brings a girl home, she usually makes barbie look real and he can never remember her name. Hilarious for me, but embrassing for him. I've had several arguments with Tom about the boys he finds in my bed and it usually ends up in one of us storming out of the house. I don't see why it's such a problem for him though. I know I'm his little sister, but it's my choice who I sleep with and he can't control that. Even if he thinks he can. But that's not relevant right now.

Tonight was going to be a good night.

Apart from the fact it was going to be me...and five guys. One of which was my brother. And one of which I hated more than anything.

Don't get me wrong, I love going out with the boys. But sometimes, I wish there was another girl for me to talk to because it just seems like I have no one. The boys are always doing something together and having a good; they sometimes forgot that I was even out with them. I never really complain which is why I jump into bed with any guy that will take me.

But, when you look like me, that isn't hard.

I'm not being big-headed there either. I've been told by people that I'm attrative and they find me sexy. Funny thing is, I don't even have to try and I still get told that. I don't know why they all think that though because I've seen pigs which are better looking that me. I just take the compliment, smile and agree while in my head wondering what they hell they have taken to make them think that. But I'll never disagree with them in a way that they can hear me. Thoughts are often better than words. Always have been and always will be. That's just the way that I work and nothing will change that.

"Kim, are you ready to go?" Jay shouted up the stairs at me.

"Hang on a minute. Just adding the finishing touches..." I shouted back at him as I finished applying the last layer of lip gloss to my lips and checking that I'd evenly spread the eye shadow across my eye. I had to make sure that I looked perfect tonight. Not that I was hoping for much, I just wanted to look and feel amazing for once when we went out.

"Well hurry up. The taxi is here so we need to go!" he shouted at me again.

"Yeah alright Jay, I'm coming..." I replied again. Checking myself in the mirror quickly as I walked out of the room and, satisfied with the way I looked, I grabbed my jacket off the back of my door and closed it behind me as I walked out of the room. A slight smile on my face as I left and approached the top of the stairs, slowly pulling my jacket over my body to keep the warmth. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I couldn't help but notice that both Jay and Nathan were looking at me with a look on their faces that I hadn't notcied before. They just stood there looking up and down my body like they had never seen anything like it before.

I didn't mind Jay checking me out. He could do that any time that he wanted to. I'd never have any objections to that. I mean Jay is one attractive man and I wouldn't mind sleeping with him one night. I don't care if he was Tom's band mate and best mate. I would still sleep with him.

But Nathan?

I think I'd rather be abducted by aliens that sleep with him. I wouldn't even sleep in the same room as him, let alone the same bed. You'd have to be stupid to think something other than that. I mean, Nathan isn't even that good looking and his body is nothing for girls to fight over. I'm not even lying when I say that. It really isn't.

"KIM! COME ON!" I heard Tom shout at me, obviously worried that I was going to do something with either Jay or Nathan.

"JAY! NATHAN!" I heard Max shout afterwards. I allowed Nathan to leave the house first, he kept throwing looks over his shoulder at me and Jay. Like he was checking to see what we were doing.

Anyone would think he was jealous...

"You wanna know something?" Jay whispered to me as we walked out of the house.

"What's that then?" I giggled back at him, blushing slightly as I did so.

"That dress...would look so much better on my floor!" he replied and then walked away with a rather suspicious look on his face. Like he had something planned for the rest of the night. Not that I would mind if he did have something planned. Drunk or not, I would still happily sleep with Jay.

Looks like I am on a mission tonight.

My get Jay into my bed.

Now, this was definitely going to be an amazing night. And I was going to make sure of that.

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