21. Date With A Kid?

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I woke up to an ear wounding scream.

I jerked open my eyes thinking someone got murdered or something. I realised that the scream was familiar and came from a boy.

My first instinct was to dash to Fred's room and check on him.

"FRED?!" I yelled when I slammed open his door.

I sighed in relief when I heard a muffled groan coming from a lump wrapped in a white blanket, lying in the middle of the bed.

"Did you not hear the scream?" I asked him, partially worried that he could sleep through it.

"I did." Fred grumbled, "But sleep is more important. Now fuck off and close the door."

I left his room when I heard loud shouting noises coming from downstairs.

I climbed down the stairs two at a time and ran down the hallway, in the direction from where the noise was coming.

The sight shook me to the core.

And it was not the sight of two guards that were beaten blue.

It was the person who beat them.

He looked like Brother Percy.

His voice, his eyes, his unbelievable strength which he used to beat down another guard, all were the same.

Except for his hair.

It was a mess of purple and hot pink. The back of his hair looked a mix of green and few strands in the front were golden.

Oh wait, that was glitter.

I just stood there, horrified and shocked as Percy screamed at the guard, "Are you fucking blind?! How can you not notice someone coming into my room at night!!"

The room next to his opened and a pissed of Aunt Ly came into view.

"Percy, why are you shout....who the fuck are you?" She grumbled and squinted her eyes.

"Mother..." Percy released the guard who slumped onto the floor, unconscious, "Look at my hair!" He screamed in agony, touching his glittery strands that were once golden "It's permanent glitter! And pink! And some other stupid shade!" He cried out as his mother stared at him in horror.

"No! You had your father's hair!", Aunt Ly screamed, "If they don't turn back to the way they were, I'm disowning you."

That's not important right now...

"Brother! I told you not to eat anything at the academy!" I exclaimed as he looked at me, finally noticing me.

That damned Roman probably slipped something in his lunch.

"I didn't eat anything. Hell, I didn't even drink water from the academy!" He screamed and slumped to the ground with his head in his hands, "My hair! My perfect hair!"

I slumped beside him and rubbed his shoulder in a comforting manner as a yawning mum approached the scene.

"What's the noise..." She asked before narrowing her eyes at brother, "Percy....is that you?"

Percy removed his head from his hands and stared at mum with a kicked puppy look.

"Aunt....my...my hair..they..." He couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence as he slumped back.

And mum being the inconsiderate demon she is, laughed right in front of his face.

"Oh God!!! Who the hell did that to your hair?!!" She laughed as brother stared at her in horror, "Why are you laughing?!"

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