48. Useless

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Roman's POV

"GEORGINA!" I had to raise my voice for the frozen girl in front of me to bring her out of her state of tremor.

I knew she recognised who the body in my arms belonged to. Hell, even I knew who it was. The platinum hair on Glitters was once dark blond before I messed them up.

It did the trick as she flinched and tears filled her eyes.

"Ro-Roman he-he..." Georgina broke off as a sob escaped her.

"Georgina, he's alive." I shouted and made my way toward her with the bloody corpse in my arms.

Though, not for long.

The number of injuries I could see was truly horrific. I didn't even want to imagine the internal and mental injuries yet.

"Georgina, I want you to scream for Leonard and Octavius." I told her, she was too quiet and shocked, I wanted her to break out of her stupor.

She nodded, "L-Leonard!" She screamed, "OCTAVIUS!" Her voice got louder as she shouted a few more times.

"Roman, I don't think they can hear us." Georgina panicked, "We are too far away from the cliff."

"Leonard is a werewolf. He can hear better." I explained as Octavius and Leonard teleported in front of us.

Octavius gasped looking at Percy's bloodied body but I quickly barked out, "Teleport us to the Obelian royal infirmary. Fast!"

Octavius nodded and took hold of my arm but Georgina spoke with desperate eyes, "Take me with you!"

"I can't. Octavius can't teleport so many people at once." I explained with sympathetic ones, "He'll come back for you, stay with Leonard for the time being."

Georgina reluctantly let go of my hand and Octavius instantly teleported us to the royal infirmary.

"Doctor!" I yelled, "It's an emergency!"

A doctor came out running and gasped at the body in my arms before quickly gesturing towards a bed.

Octavius had left to fetch Leonard and Georgina who appeared seconds later.

"We need more healers!" The doctor shouted tending to Percy's wounds as Georgina quickly said, "I'll call aunt Seanna."

She left the room sprinting as the healers worked on Percy with their mana.

His wounds looked horrible as if every part of his body was torn apart. And his right arm looked bent at a funny angle and so were his fingers.

Soon, Duchess Seanna came running in her nightgown and got to work.

Georgina stood by my side, watching the wounds slowly stop bleeding, giving a clear view of Percy's face and body.

I quickly took hold of her hand and pulled her back into my chest, hugging her tightly while keeping a hand on the back of her head, whispering, "Don't look."

I've told that to her numerous times. Whenever she would look at any man's body, I would get jealous and tell her not to look.

But this time I wasn't jealous. I was scared.

Scared at how she would react after seeing the way Percy was torn apart.

Not a skin on his body remained, his eyelids had slashes on them as well. His ribs looked bruised like the rest of his body.

He was damaged and I was scared how the image of this Percy would scar Georgina for life.

Georgina was stiff, as if her lungs refused to function, before she relaxed against me completely.

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