33. New Rule

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Georgina's POV

Where. The. Fuck. Is. Roman.

I nervously chewed the inside of my lip and resisted against bouncing my leg up and down in an impatient manner as I stared at the annoyed faces of all the other Princes who wanted this meeting over and done with.

Something's not right. Roman is not the type who'd come late for such an important meeting.

Did he get in some kind of trouble?

Or perhaps lost his way over here?

Just then, the door to the meeting room opened and Roman stormed in muttering an apology and taking his seat.

I noticed that he had a small red mark on his cheek, as if someone had slapped him.

Wow, who's the lucky person who got to slap Roman?

"Let's start the meeting." I announced before letting my thoughts distract me.

The meeting went smoothly and Obelia got the highest trade advantage over other empires.

And that was partially because Roman was not as participative as he was before the break.

Throughout the meeting, I felt his eyes boring into the side of my face.

What the....did he suspect something?

I was more than ready to yeet myself out of the window when the meeting was over and only Roman and I remained in the room, but then remembered that the windows were impenetrable and chose to go through the door like a normal human.

Fred should be back by now, I need to ask him how the ball went to make sure he didn't fuck it up. 

I brisk walked past Roman with a swift nod and telling him that I would see him later.

But of course, he just had to stop me.

"Roman," I fought against a sigh, "I'm really busy right now. I'll talk to you later."

Roman looked at me with a slight pout, "Okay fine Freddie. But at least let me do this."

"Do wha-?" the words didn't leave my mouth when Roman pressed a kiss against my cheek.

He did this for what?

I gawped at him with an open mouth and he chuckled, "Come on Freddie, why are you acting so shocked? This was nothing compared to what we did last night." He said suggestively and I stopped breathing.

What? WHat?WHAAAAT???? WHAt tHe FUck iS HApPeNninG? 

"Did what last night?" I asked foolishly and Roman smirked, "I know we promised to keep our relationship a secret, but that doesn't mean you can act like we are nothing more than friends when it's just the two of us." Roman approached me like a snake approaching its prey while I stood frozen, trying to comprehend his words.

So basically,


Why did Fred not tell me?!!

Fuck! I even fooled myself into thinking he was straight! What kind of straight is this?!

And how am I supposed to act from now onwards?

"Ummm... Roman~ we talked about this." I bluffed in a sweet manner when his face was just an inch away from mine, "No touching in public."

Roman's smirk widened, "Well, I will and am going to touch what's mine. You can't stop me."

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