3. My Family

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"Oh my God! So cute!"

"Keep it down, you'll wake them up."

My eyes opened again as I looked at a lot of faces surrounding me.

So it really wasn't a dream, huh.

"Oh look! She's looking at me!", said a small 5-something blonde girl, her eyes shining like sapphires as she clutched onto the side of the crib.

Those sapphires most definitely belonged to older sister Ginny.

"No, she's looking at me.", another small voice came making my eyes turn to it.

There stood another small white-haired boy his cheeks slightly pink as he stared at me with his amber eyes.

"Shut up, Bill. She was so not.", Ginny said making brother Bill frown at her cutely, "But she is now!" He retorted.

Sister glowered at him and said, "Bill, do you want to get your limbs chopped of-", "Ginny! What did I say about threatening people like that?" A stern voice cut her off as I turned to look Uncle Aiden, who was giving Ginny a scolding look.

Ginny rolled her eyes at him and then stuck her tongue out to Bill.

Bill and Ginny never got together with each other as far as I remembered, but the two of them most definitely were close since they were of the same age, Ginny being only a month older than Bill. They were also the most pampered ones amongst our group of siblings called 'Weasleys'.

After mum's death, brother Bill and sister Ginny had stayed at the Palace for a month, trying to keep me and Fred company, mostly Fred, since I 'looked' just fine. Trying to take us away from the loneliness, which they didn't notice, had already engulfed us.

"Ginny, come look at your little brother as well." Said another motherly figure which I suppose was Aunt Seanna. She was clutching a bundle a white which was Fred, smiling at him like she usually would at anyone.

Aunt Seanna was the last person to leave the burial place beside dad. Hayden literally had to drag her out since she refused to leave, wanting to mourn all the pain out, as if that would somehow bring mother back.

She had wasted half of her mana while trying to revive mum during those lonely three weeks, when she was the one who knew better than anyone else that no healing mana can bring back the already spent soul back to its owner's body.

"Okay!" Ginny cheered as she padded to where Aunt Seanna perched, beside my mother. She sat on mum's lap and stared at Fred, cooing the word 'cute' too many times.

Brother Bill just silently stared at me and I stared right back.

Then he smiled and leaned down, slowly whispering in my ear, "I'll be the best big brother ever. Promise." He then took my hand in his and shook it twice, as if sealing the promise he just made.

And I knew he did keep it till the end.

Then again, the door slowly creaked open and came in view the stoic mask which had broken with a different expression I had seen the last time.

Aunt Ly came in with Uncle Caiden behind her, his hands carried a bundle of cuteness which shocked me to the core.

Was brother Percy always this small??!

Brother Percy looked like an angel even from that far, his tiny fists tightly held Uncle Caiden's shirt as his big green eyes looked around the room curiously.

"Percy! My little sunshine! Come here son!", mum called as she plopped Ginny down on the ground to make space for Percy while Ginny pouted.

Brother Percy stared at mum with a bored expression but obeyed her order anyway as Uncle Caiden put him down.

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