43. Everything was a Lie

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Roman whispered as tears pooled out of his eyes, "I love everything about you. Every little detail."

His words felt like stabs on my heart.

"And I can't fall out of love with them!" He wailed and buried his face in his palms.

I grabbed his shoulders, rubbing circles on them with my thumb, not knowing what would be the best way to soothe the trembling boy in my arms.

"I give up Georgina! I give up!" He screamed, "I'll give up my throne. And the title. I'll give up everything...So please..."

His words stunned me, making me pause my actions and stare at him wide-eyed.

"Please don't leave me."

"I'm not leaving you," I explained and hugged him, running a hand over his back.

"Don't choose him." He sobbed, "Choose me."

"Roman," I started carefully, "I didn't choose him...that guy...." I looked around and slowly whispered, "He is planning on murdering my family."

Roman's sobbing halted as he pulled away to bestow me with a shocked expression.

I looked around again, not feeling safe about our location.

"Follow me, I'll explain everything." I whispered and dragged him away to the maze located in the centre of the garden.

We entered the maze and I followed a route till we reached the middle of it. There was a wooden bench there and the rest of the place was enclosed with stone walls

"Sit down." I told him, plopping myself on the bench as well.

He did so hesitantly.

"Orion is planning on murdering my family. One of his accomplices is Duchess Olivia, I need to find the rest. That's why I told him that I wanted to marry him so I could find another one of his accomplices. And then only two remain. One of which is Peruka."

Roman's eyes widened as I continued, "I don't know who they are, but they know about that poison, Leniter, and are planning to use it to murder my mother."

Roman looked extremely distressed as he opened his mouth, "How did you figure all this out...in so much detail at that...?"

I raised a hand to press it against his cheek, rubbing my thumb below his eye to wipe out any remaining tears, "I'll tell you later." I said, "Are you feeling better now?"

He nodded before shuffling in his seat to sit close to me and then plopped his head on my shoulder.

"You know," he mumbled, sniffling a little, "I was not going to confess to you." His voice was a little hoarse from crying, "At least not until I knew for sure you'll accept it."

I only hummed in response, staring at the starry night sky as he grumbled, "I hated when you two talked. I felt like I was losing you and I didn't like the feeling. But..." He sniffed again, "You looked so happy...that I didn't say anything. I wanted you to be happy, so I thought it would be fine even if it were someone else. It would be fine if you love someone else."

His fingers slowly snaked around my hand and held it in a firm grip, "But when I heard you say those words to someone else, my world collapsed. For a second, I thought dying would've been better than hearing you say it. That was when I realised I could never get over you." His hold on my hand tightened, "I want you to be happy, with me."

I didn't reply, I didn't know what to say.

Obviously, I should explain to him that we can't be together because of the rules and that I didn't love him as much as he did, but I didn't.

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