9. The Traitor Twins

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"George, are you sure you'll be alright?"

Mum asked me the same question for like the 100th time.

"Yes. I'm sure. Now go to the tea party. Sister Ginny is going to get angry if you don't show up on the first event she is organising."

Mum looked at me worriedly before turning to Aunt June who was standing in the corner, silently going through a report, "June, take care of my baby. If something goes wrong, tell me immediately."

Aunt June nodded before taking out her pocket watch and saying, "You're already running late. I'll take care of her so don't worry."

"Call me imm-","-I will. Now go before I'm forced to waste my mana on glueing your lazy ass to the couch seat of the carriage." Aunt June threatened and mum gave her the finger before kissing my forehead and quickly leaving.

I sighed.

It's been a year since I started my poison training.

I can't believe I underestimated how bad effect poison can have on my body.

Not gonna lie, but a year ago, just a single drop of the least deadly poison made me throw up blood twice and I fainted once.

Fred's body took it way better than mine. He only fainted once and then spent the night crying in pain.

Mum didn't take our responses well and dad had to spend the night in some other room for a month. Though they started sharing their room once again, He is still residing in his previous study since mum (being petty) won't allow him to come to their common one.

Honestly, it's not even his fault since he just wants us to get strong but mum's being dramatic like usual and upset for such small things.

I can't exactly blame her though, since I have no idea what she feels like being a mother of a hungry goon and a stubborn minx.

I checked the time and started strutting down the hallway over to the training grounds.

Mum's been particularly strict about my outdoor activities. Ever since my poison training started, my sword-wielding sessions had reduced, since my body needed rest after having a dose of poison.

But now that mum's not here, I can easily train for two or three hours.

My train of thought came to a halt when Aunt June stopped me with a raised eyebrow.

"Where do you think you're going, young miss?"

"Training grounds." I said in a 'duh' tone and Aunt shook her head.

"You were clearly instructed to rest for three days. You're not supposed to do physical activities during -","-Aunt June," I cut her off, "I feel just fine."

"Well, you are still not going to the training grounds."

"I am."




"Yes. Now Bye."

I haven't trained in like forever! An hour or two can't hurt.

She blocked my way, making me glare at her for a long time before aunt sighed and stretched out her hand, "Come here."

I looked at her uncertainly but took her hand anyway.

We teleported to the training grounds in an instant but Aunt still didn't let go of my hand.

"Bill," she called brother Bill, who was training with brother Percy.

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