44. Walk on Your Path

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Thank you for reading Choi's story. I honestly had no hopes for that book. I never thought so many people would read it and like it. Honestly, you guys make me want to write more stories.

Here is an early update for all you lovely people. Thank you for your support! 💕


I waltzed in the room, slamming the door open to look at Roman who had his head in his palms and hadn't moved out of the bed.

His head snapped up to me, his wet bloodshot eyes meeting my desperate ones.

"Roman," I roared, "I give you seven seconds to explain what the fuck I saw before I punch you in the fucking throat."

Roman looked at me with a relieved gaze as he whispered, "Gina, you came back...."

"Five," I counted, cracking my knuckles, "Four,"

"I-I don't know!" Roman quickly started, getting up from the bed in distress, making the covers fall to expose his manhood.

I groaned and looked aside while he blushed and covered his body with a blanket.

"What do you mean you don't know?" I asked, still not looking at him.

"I mean I just remember having a lot of drinks and proposing to you. Then after talking to you in the garden, I walked back to my room, that's it." Roman explained, "I don't remember why she's here."

My eyes finally took notice of Julia's sobbing figure near the post of the bed.

"Julia," I called her, making her tear-stained face look up to me, "what happened?"

"Princess!" She sobbed, "W-when you were being an-announced as the Crown P-Princess in the ball, we all m-maids had a small c-celebration for you. We d-drank a bit too. I-I was drunk and making my way to my quarters when Emperor R-Roman jumped me!" She screamed, "H-he was drunk too! And stronger. I-I couldn't do anything when he assaulted me!"

She started crying again as Roman looked horrified at her accusation but didn't have any memories to support him.

"G-Gina I would never-", "Shut up."  I cut him off and walked towards Julia, resting a hand on her bare shoulder.

"Oh Julia," She looked up at me with hopeful eyes as I said, "That would've been such a believable story," the hope died from her eyes when I moved my hand from her shoulder to her hair and pulled on them tightly, "had I not known Roman's inability to get drunk."

Julia's face paled as she realised she was caught lying.

Ha, looks like I caught another accomplice of Ian.

It was pretty obvious that bastard wanted to show this scene to me. Who would call someone so early in the morning and then accidentally enter the wrong room?!

He probably picked up that something was going on between Roman and I that would ruin his chances of marrying me and took this disgusting step.

I pulled Julia up by her hair as she gasped and pulled on the sheet covering her body.

"Roman," I looked at the man covered in a blanket, "Get dressed while I deal with her."

He nodded while I opened the door and dragged Julia out by her hair, making sure to not run into Ian.

"Guards," I said and pushed Julia into one of them, she was a crying mess, repeatedly telling me that she was saying the truth,
"Throw her in the jail and make sure she doesn't kill herself on the way or in it."

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