31. What Now?

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A/N: I'll be updating this story twice a week from now on!

I hope all of you are enjoying it so far!!!


"How was your last therapy session for the year?" Eva asked me as soon I exited Aunt Seanna's room.

It had been a year since the day I sneaked out of the palace with brother Percy to visit the poison laboratory in Peruka and then sneaked out of the laboratory only to go for a 20 hours journey on a horse.

"It was great." I replied with a smile as I tugged my pink lock behind my ear.

My therapy sessions with Aunt Seanna had started 11 months ago. They were scheduled once every week and either Aunt would visit the palace or I would visit her place.

Not only was I able to control my emotions and anger through the sessions, but visiting Aunt, Bill and Ron regularly was a plus too.

Also, knowing who murdered my family was a huge stress reliever.

Now that I know it was Roman who killed all of us in our last life, I feel relieved and quite happy that he is my friend in this life and that the history won't repeat itself.

Though something still doesn't add up...

"Sister George!" I hear a small voice call me from behind as I turned around to face Ron, "Are you free now? Would you like to spar with me?"

"Yes Ron, I would love to," I replied with a smile, leaving the thought at the back of my mind. Eva smiled and made a hand gesture indicating that she was going to Aunt Seanna's room, leaving me with Ron. I gave her a swift nod at that before focusing back on Ron.

The child beamed and exclaimed, "You know, I can now use two swords at the same time without hurting myself!"

My smile widened as I patted his white coconut head, "That's great Ron! You'll be able to master sword arts in no time!"

Ron smiled shyly and as his ember eyes shined brightly.

He's such a sweet child. Thank God he took after Aunt Seanna.

Even though Ron and brother Bill both look the exact copy of Hayden (except for their eye colour) they both have Aunt Seanna's personality which I'm thankful for (I can't imagine either of them with Hayden's shit personality).

"Ah, you're here again."

I turned my head to the source which said that, meeting eyes with bored purple ones.

"Ah, so are you, Hayden." I replied in the same tone as I stared at the father of the said sweet child.

Hayden rolled his purple eyes, "Of course I am. This is my mansion." He replied, "Besides...you still don't call me uncle...huh.."

"Well, you don't act like one either." I answered. He had a terrible attitude towards my family from the start and avoids all the events where he has to visit Obelia. I've also heard him throw insults at my family here and there so he can't just expect me to ignore all that and call him uncle.

He clenched his jaw with a glare, "Why you-", "Dad! Stop! No fighting with sister!" Ron interrupted with a cute glare.

Hayden sighed, "I'm not fighting, Ron. I just need to talk some sense into your sister."

"How about talking some sense into yourself first?" I retorted and he clenched his fists.

"You're so annoying, just like your mother. I don't even understand why someone angelic like my Anna is friends with your stupid-", "Finish that sentence and see what happens." I replied in a cold tone and a dark glare.

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