6. Suspect No.1

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I stared out of the window, resting my face on my knuckles as I watched the trees past by us, the carriage smoothly moving forward.

We had left for Peruka, the infamous empire known for its slyness.

Its aristocrats were known to be two-faced snakes, so was the royal family.

I was nervous yet inquisitive.

Because I would finally be able to check out all the possible culprit who could order Fred's assassin at a single place.

We were invited for the celebration of Peruka's crown prince's sixth birthday, amongst other high nobles from all around the world.

This birthday party was more like a future fiancee selection for the Prince.

Perukans had a strange way of thinking and working.

They believed that the children in their empire grow up faster compared to normal children so they try to do everything quickly. Like the Prince is crowned as soon as he reaches 17. Getting engaged at an early age is also pretty common in this empire, especially for royals.

Fred had told me that it was because the Perukans need to prepare their future empress in advance, so they select the appropriate candidate for it and train them to be the Empress from a very young age.

I felt that it was quite unnecessary. Tying kids in marriage was basically destroying their youth. Obelia's system is way more proper where you can do whatever you want till you reach nineteen and become the emperor. Prince's are trained from a young age to be the emperor so paperwork doesn't affect them much. As for the Empress, all the noblewoman were enrolled in the Royal Academy and were given basic knowledge as to how things work. And handling paperwork wasn't that much of a laborious task which needed you to waste your childhood on.

When Emery became the Empress after marrying Fred, she didn't know a single thing about paperwork. However, by the end of the year, she was as much as a pro in that as Fred was. Fred got to marry who he wanted to and got a perfect empress as well.

In short, we Obelians are smart people who can do things way faster than Perukans can.

And those snakes still think they're the best.

Delusional animals.

I mentally smirked when I realised how actually amazing my empire was in comparison to that snake land.

"What got you looking so constipated George?" Fred asked as he stared at me with a raised brow, curiosity leaking from his voice.

I mirrored his expression before replying, "I don't look constipated."

"Well, you don't know what you look like since you can't see yourself right now. But trust me George, you're making the same face mum does when she is reading a book." Fred replied as my eyes quickly gazed over to the said person who was sitting right in front of me.

Mum was sleeping, her head lolling on dad's shoulder and her fingers interlocked with his. Dad had a tranquil expression on his face as he went over a document. His attention focussed on the papers, while most of the time, he looked at mum and tried to adjust his shoulder and her head so she could be more comfortable.

My heart swelled at the scene in front of me but anxiety soon followed in.

I always got anxious whenever I saw mum sleeping. Her peaceful expression brought me dread. Worries constantly clogged my mind as I wondered if I could get to see her emerald eyes again.

"Now you just look sick." Fred muttered before he brought his hand to my forehead, "George, are you sick?"

Before I could reply, dad confided, "You're sick? You should've told us." His eyes drooped the way they do every time he thought I was unwell.

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