25. Be Strong

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"Never have I ever stabbed a person." Mum said and looked around the table curiously.

I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my orange juice. So did dad, Uncle Caiden and Aiden, Percy, Bill and Ginny.

It was one of those days called 'Weasely's get together' where our cousins plus mum and dad's close friends met and spent the night together.

On the round table sat Dad, mum, Aunt Seanna, Uncle Aiden, Mari, Caiden and all my cousins except for Ron who was already asleep and tucked in bed.

"Seanna?!" Mum gasped when she saw Aunt Seanna sipping her orange juice, "Who the fuck did you stab?"

I looked at Aunt Seanna curiously as she rolled her eyes, "I am a doctor Haeun, I stab people with injections all the time."

All of us frowned at her while Uncle Aiden mumbled, "That's not what she meant by stabbing... but..okay."

"My turn." I announced and all their heads turned to me as I said, "Never have I ever had a threesome."

Everyone's face morphed into a weirded out expression.

"What? We are all teenagers now and know this stuff." I said while Fred and my cousins nodded their heads in agreement except for Brother Percy who looked confused.

Oh, this innocent child.

Not wanting to ruin his innocence, I didn't explain anything to him and turned my head to stare at the adults who didn't raise their glasses.

Except for Uncle Caiden.

"Woah." Fred and I exclaimed at the same time with the same shocked face while everyone's jaw dropped except for mum.

"No way...Caiden..you- what?" Dad spluttered out words as uncle Caiden took a sip of his juice.

"It's always the innocent ones." Aunt Seanna mumbled while shaking her head.

"I aspire to be like Uncle Caiden when I grow up." Fred whispered in my ear and I whispered back, "Me too." Making a mental note to add 'threesome' to my list of things to do after reaching adulthood physically.

"You don't look surprised, Haeun." Uncle Mari noticed.

"It was mentioned in the book." Mum shrugged, "'Caiden the innocent playboy'."

Everyone looked weirded out but didn't say anything as Uncle Caiden kept his glass down and the game continued.

Mum had long ago told everyone that she was not the real Adailia but someone from another world.

Nobody believed her at first but after she made Uncle Mari check her memories, everyone was left shocked.

Especially mum's family, or rather, Adailia's family. They were sad at first. They had thought that their daughter had turned over a new leaf but that was not the case. Someone else had completely replaced her.

But soon they realised that it didn't make much difference to get sad now and just accepted the fact. They didn't treat mum any differently because in the first few years mum spent with them, they got attached to her, not Adailia.

Mum was extremely relieved by their positive reactions because she was attached to them as well and couldn't handle it if they renounced her.

So over time, people started calling her Haeun and not Adailia, which was something that made mum extremely happy.

"Now, let's call it a night. Fred looks like he's going to facepalm the table in a se-" Dad was cut off by a loud bang and everyone turned to look at Fred who had wide eyes and red forehead, "I SWEAR I DIDN'T SNEAK INTO MUM'S LIBRARY!"

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