24. The Tea Party

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I can tie a pony with my hair now.

I snorted at the thought of Roman with a white fountain on top of his head, though he probably meant it as a ponytail at the back of his head.

He would look cute in both though.

I quickly dismissed that thought and continued reading the words he wrote in the communication book.

The Military general had asked if I would want him to cut my hair. However, I wasn't risking my hair to someone who is bald.

I rolled my eyes and wrote,

That and you probably won't risk anyone near you with scissors.

I could almost imagine Roman chuckling at that.

True. We never know who is the real snake among us.

He wrote and I rolled my eyes,

How ironic.

After a second came his response,

I know, that's why I framed it like that. I bet you giggled at the sentence.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You only got out an eye roll from me, kid.

I wrote as my eyes rolled on their own accord after seeing the weird smirk face he always drew.

I'm 13 now.

He wrote and I could picture his childish pout.

I didn't ask.

I wrote in response before the knock on my door distracted me.

"Come in, " I ordered as Julie came in with a bunch of flowers in her hands.

"Princess, I've got the flowers ready for the touch-up. Let's hurry up, we are already a little late for the tea party." She hurriedly said and placed the flowers on the dressing table.

I smirked and said, "Relax Julie, it's my cousin's tea party. It's not like sister Ginny will kill me if I'm a little late."

"But we should still be punctual!" Julie huffed out, "Even the commander's son is waiting for you to come out."

I rose a brow, "Brother's already ready?" I asked and she nodded, usually he takes an hour to style his hair, "Damn we must be really late if he's already ready."

As Julie added a bit of touch up to my hair with flowers I quickly wrote to Roman,

Party. Late. Gotta go.

"Rogina." I muttered and quickly closed the book and shuffled out of the room in my heavy dress.

When I exited my room, I saw Eva and Ezra talking while Percy silently waited, leaning against the wall.

"About time." Eva groaned as she walked to Percy who was going to be her escort for the party, "But this look is worth the waitt, I suppose." She said as her ember eyes examined me head to toe, "Damn, now I don't look that pretty anymore."

I smirked, "Just stand beside a poorly dressed girl throughout the party. You'll automatically look pretty." She snorted as I made my way to Ezra who was going to be my escort for the tea party.

"So Fred couldn't make it?" I asked. Usually at tea parties, Percy, Fred, Eva and I would go together, Percy being my escort and Fred being Eva's. Ezra wasn't exactly a social person so he stayed out of it and only went when Fred couldn't attend the party.

Ezra shook his head and looked down at me. He was now taller than me and so was Eva which didn't really concern me but bothered Fred to no end. Now, he wouldn't stand beside them unless he's wearing boots with high end.

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