40. Heart Remembers It All

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Georgina's POV

I woke up to a throbbing head and a sore throat.

I opened my eyes with a groan and reached for a glass of water on my nightstand.

Ugh, why did I drink so much?

After greedily gulping down the water, I called in Julia and ordered her to get my bath ready while I ordered another maid to make me tea to relieve my headache.

After a hot tea, I sat in the bath for half an hour, relaxing my body and mind.

And as that happened, memories of last night flooded in.

I groaned at the embarrassing memory of climbing up the table and falling down.

But wait....I don't remember falling down?

I frowned and thought for a second before my eyes widened.

Right! Roman caught me!

I tried to force my brain into remembering what happened after that, but my brain with poor memory capacity said 'fuck no'.

I sighed, Roman probably had to take care of my drunk self. I should go thank him before he leaves for Peruka.

I quickly got out of the bathroom and dressed in a pine green gown.

I went to Fred's room to ask him where Roman's room was since he arranged for it.

And the guest house had tons of rooms in it, I would probably end up getting lost trying to find Roman.

But what I got instead, was a shock of my life when I entered Fred's room.

Because he was on the bed,

With Seven.

Seven and Fred.

On a bed.


With the door closed.

My jaw dropped.

Oh my brother's virginity!

Fred noticed me and greeted, "Hey George, why are you up so early?" He asked, "I thought you'd be down with a headache."

"And I thought you hated Seven!" I countered, ignoring his question and the look Seven gave me, "How did he manage to get in your room?"

Fred shuffled nervously and that's when I noticed a box in his hand and chocolate smeared near the corner of his mouth.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course he was going to bribe with food! Your bloated belly can hold as much food as a horse."

Fred frowned, "I'm not bloated!" He protested, "Besides, these ring delicacies!" He exclaimed, holding bread covered in chocolate which had a hole in it, "are called 'doughnuts'. He brought them for me from another dimension!" Fred said happily and chomped on the doughnut.

Seven looked at him with a wide smile as he said, "You've got some on your mouth babe," he tried to brush it off but Fred slapped his hand away.

"Do not touch me!" He snapped and continued eating.

Seven pouted as I looked at him suspiciously, "You didn't try anything funny while I was away, right?"

Seven grinned, "Of course not!" He exclaimed, "Except for occasionally staring at his sleeping face." He mumbled the last part but I heard it and stomped towards him.

"Listen here you shitty reaper," I began, fisting his collar in my hand, "If you so much as think about forcing yourself onto him, I will kill you." I threatened, "Even if you can't die, I'll still try, who knows if I'll actually succeed."

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