18. The Poison Laboratory

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A/N: Thank you for being so patient guys! Enjoy this chapter :)

"George, hurry! They're leaving!" I heard Eva shout from the other side of the door.

"I'm almost done!" I answered before tying a knot on the red thread.

I stood up with the pendant in my hand and opened the door to my room.

Eva flinched back as I almost stomped over her. Her face filled with relief as she quickly said, "They blew the second horn already. Be quick if you want to see Percy before he leaves for the war."

I nodded and rushed through the hallways.

Brother Percy was leaving for war as he did in my past life. However, this time, I made him a pendant.

In Obelia, there's a tradition of giving a pendant to the knight who is going for war by the lady, who is either his lover or family, or someone the knight swore his loyalty to.

I was extremely bad at handcraft in my past life, but it improved this time so I gave it a try and the pendant turned out to be pretty.

Or rather pretty average.

Or maybe a bit ugly-ish.

But it was still pretty nice and those who didn't agree with it, can keep their opinions to themselves.

As I was strolling down the hallway with Eva in front of me, I suddenly noticed two figures in the training area through the window.

I stopped and narrowed my eyes at the figures.

What are they doing here? All the knights are supposed to be on duty or at the front gates.

I realised after a second later that one of the figures was my brother and the other was his so-called 'best friend'.

Roman had stayed in Obelia for the past two days so he could escort us for the tour to the Poison laboratory. However, the day we were supposed to visit the poison laboratory clashed with the day the knights left for the war so he was staying for a day extra and we were visiting the laboratory tomorrow.

They seemed to be practising sparring and the one doing a bad job at it was probably Fred.

Ugh! What is he doing? Showing his weaknesses to the enemy.

I halfway made my mind to go down and stop Fred from embarrassing himself anymore but Eva caught my wrist and pulled me down the stairs.

"George, you can watch the hot men in the field later." She said as we reached the ground floor.

"I wasn't watching hot men." I told her, "It was just Roman and Fred."

"Oh, so you were watching a hot and a cute boy?" She snickered, "I was close enough."

I rolled my eyes, "I think you meant an extremely adorably cute boy and an ugly shit."

She faked a gasp, "I'm telling Fred you called him ugly shit."

I scoffed, "You can try but Fred's not gonna believe it. He's so full of himself." Even though Fred was extremely conscious about his girly looks, he was also confident about his cuteness.

Eva chuckled, "He's cute and he knows it."

We reached the front gates where the army stood.

They quickly made way for me when I walked over to them. As they greeted me, I found a mop of blonde hair.

"Brother Percy!"

He turned his head as I speed walked towards him, his green eyes looking at me rather blankly.

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