37. Know Your Place

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Roman's POV








Gina. Gina. Gina.

"Your majesty," A voice broke my thought process as I looked up to meet eyes with Octavius, "Please finish your paperwork. We need to leave for the outskirts today."

"I'm already done with it." I replied coldly, not bothering to hide my annoyance from Octavius for distracting me from my Gina-related thoughts.

"Then what is that blank paper in front of you for?" He dared to ask, making me glare at him. Or rather, the situation.

"I need to write a letter to inform Gina that I cannot make it to her 16th birthday party." I replied blankly, while on the inside, I wanted to sulk in the bed and drown in the sea of thoughts about Gina and how pretty she would dress up at her birthday party which I couldn't attend.

She's the most beautiful human in this entire universe. Nobody can change my mind about that.

I sighed as the tedious monster called insecurity crept inside me.

She's so pretty, I do not doubt that some peasants would try to woo her.

Not to mention the new rule in Obelia regarding the female heiress really messed up with my plan.

My plan was simple; let Georgina do whatever she wanted until Fred was crowned as the heir. Then I'll send my proposal to marry her, throwing in some of our lands and army protection to Obelia as a bribe, which they would have no choice but to accept. In the meantime, I'll charm my Gina so she would happily agree to our marriage.

But now that this new rule has come into approval, I cannot do anything but wait till Georgina's parents announce the heir.

If it's Fred, then I'm in luck and would instantly go buy a ring for my engagement with Gina.

But if it's Gina, then my plans go crashing down and I would cry myself to sleep that night like a widower.

I still have a tiny bit of hope that if I manage to make Georgina love me as I love her, she might refuse to succeed the throne and just come to my empire and rule it by my side.

But by how long I've been trying to pursue her stubborn pretty self, that's highly impossible.

"Your majesty, do you need any help in writing the letter?" Octavius's voice brought me back to the room.

I sighed, "I don't want your help. In fact, I don't want to write it." I groaned, "Gina officially sent me an invitation asking for my presence on her auspicious day. Plus a personal letter, telling me that she misses me and wants to see me."

Okay, the last part wasn't fully true. She didn't say she missed me, but she did write to me, saying that we haven't seen each other in a while and it would be nice to chat.

Honestly, we've both been so busy, we rarely wrote to each other in months.

"Then, your majesty," Octavius started, making me look at him from the blank paper, "Why don't you write a letter of apology for not attending Princess' birthday party while inviting her to yours?"

I rolled my eyes, "You do realise that I'm being crowned on my birthday this year, right?" I asked. Only, family, priests and a handful of Perukan nobles are allowed during the coronation. No international guests are allowed. And after the rituals, I'm supposed to give speeches to my people and army. I would be busy the whole day.

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