15. Dance with Me

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"Mari was finally able to check his memories."

I sighed, "About freaking time."

It's been around 8 months since I got admission in the academy. 9 months since I told my parents about my dream and 10 months since Uncle August left.

After Uncle August stayed at Uncle Mari's for 10 months, Uncle Mari was finally able to secretly extract his memories.

It took him months to find the gem needed to extract memories without a person's consent and secretly extracted Uncle August's memory while he was sleeping.

"He didn't find anything suspicious about his memories." Dad started, putting on a blue tailcoat over his white dress shirt, "He grew up among mages and in Arlanta's academy. He was one of the smartest among them so was picked up as an assistant secretary of a duke in the capital. After two years of experience, he worked under me for ten years and there was nothing suspicious about it either."

I nodded, "I see..." I mumbled, "But that can still change. There are 14 years left before all the murders happen. He can change by that time."

"That's true." Dad said, "But he can't change his powers. It's obvious from his memories that he is a pure mage with no dark magic."

I nodded. A mage can't change his or her powers. They can create spells that can provide them with some powers temporarily, but they can't change or add on their powers after a certain age. Dark mages are created through excessively hard training when a mage is young and you can't convert a mage into a dark mage after the child reaches 8. They can't have new powers either but their current powers are extremely dangerous and can hurt a person.

So if Uncle August is not a dark mage now, he'll never be one in the future.

"Did Uncle Mari test him for any dark mana?" I asked and dad nodded, "Yes, and not a single trace of dark magic was found."

"Then...do you think someone else, who is a dark mage, hypnotised Uncle August into doing so?", I asked, crossing my arms and leaning against the couch.

There are only two people who can enter Dad's room without going through the guards outside. So Uncle August can never leave my suspect list.

"That is possible. However..." Dad started, "there's a lot of time till it happens. So it's not worth it to delay our arrival to my dear daughter's seventh birthday party now."

I rolled my eyes, "You're the one who called me to discuss this stuff." I scoffed, "Besides, you aren't even fully dressed yet."

Dad fixed his tie, looking at the mirror, he said, "I'm almost done." He then turned to look at me, "I called you because I thought I'd let you know that I'm planning on calling August back."

Even though I was already seated, I almost fell from the shock, "What?! Dad! No!"

Even if Uncle August is not the culprit, I still don't want any potential threat near my family. Especially people like Uncle August who I would have no control over their actions (unlike Eva and Ezra who I can keep an eye for any unusual movement)

Dad sighed, "George, it's pretty much clear that August is not the one behind this by his memories." Dad explained, "Besides, there's still over a decade to go before all that crap happens. Why are you stressing about it now?"

"Because," I started, gulping the lump that quickly formed in my throat, "I was too late last time....too late to realise everything. So when things went down, I was never able to cope up with it. But not this time." I told him determinedly, "I'll catch the murder way before it."

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