2. The Man with Red Eyes

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"Hey there Haeun-ah 2.0!"

I stared at the man with red eyes and white hair for what felt like an eternity.

After some time he frowned.

"Hello!!!?" He said, waving his hand in front of me, "You mute or something?"

I didn't reply, still confused as to what the hell was happening and where the hell I was.

Then he did something which snapped me out of my state of confusion.

He booped my nose.

"I give you seven seconds to explain who the hell you are before I slit your throat open.", I roared out with an icy voice making him jump back in shock.

"Woah! You're Haeun-ah's daughter right? Or did I pick up someone else!?" He exclaimed in panic.

"You have only two seconds."

"I'm a reaper." He said quickly.

"Oh, so you have chosen to die." I said, not believing this weird man for a single second. I moved my hand to remove the dagger from my waist, only to find it empty. I looked down to find that I wasn't wearing my usual dress but a white frock instead. Actually, I was in a completely different room. Or could it even be called a room? It looked like the night sky and I was floating in the middle of it.

"What...." I muttered, confused.

"You died, kid.", the reaper muttered, " I picked your soul up and am keeping you here to talk about something with you."

"I don't believe you." I answered.

"Oh well, I don't really care, but you need to listen to me." He said and before I could retort, he started, "I knew your mother, she was sort of a nice friend to me and-", "Wait," I cut him off as I remembered something.

This man called mum Haeun, something my mum's imaginative side came up with to prank me and Fred when we were young, telling us she was from a different dimension. Making us awe at her.

What she didn't know was, we were faking it and didn't believe a single word she said. But Dad and Aunt Seanna actually fell for that. I honestly thought they were so stupid at that time....but if he knows as well then.....

Guess I was the stupid one.

"So...mum was actually from another dimension?!" I blurted out.

"Yes.", the reaper confirmed, nodding his head as his white hair fell on his forehead.

Wait....now that I think about it, when mum pranked us, she did mention a white hair and red-eyed guy... What was his name again.... I think it was...

"A-juicy." I mumbled, frowning, "You're that A-juicy guy who sent her to this world, right?"

A-juicy blinked, once, twice and then muttered, "J-juicy?"

My frown deepened, "A-juicy, that's what she called you."

He frowned before realisation dawned on him, "Oh yes she did call me Ajhussi." He said, "That really confused me for a second."

"Wow, I can't believe I actually met your pathetic ass." I said, remembering how mum told me he messed her life up, "You literally had one job to do and you go around getting distracted by.................mangoes..."

I'm pretty sure I'm saying it wrong, I think it was mangi or mangu or.... what the hell was it called?!

A-juicy chuckled, "See I don't have much time so I'll be quick and just say it." He started, "I'm sending you back in time."

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