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Three days has passed and to say everything is fine, back to normal. The two bestfriends still talking to each other in the phone because Taehyung decided to isolated his self on his room again. He wants to heal again, to forget. Even though he's in his room, a place where he's almost rape by that bastard but he didn't take this as a bad place. Instead, he's putting away that thoughts.. because this is his room since then, the bed that he's sleeping since then.. so why bothered thinking that this is the place where he almost felt bad something will happen to him. Because he doesn't care, this is his room, a room that witness everything about him, how he cried because of his Dad, Bogum and his bestfriend Jungkook...

Thinking about Jungkook, Taehyung slowly smiles as he blink at the tiger plushie that he was holding, a plushie that Jungkook won for him, a plushie that Bogum didn't try to win for him. Taehyung then slightly rolled his eyes remembering that bastard but he quickly shrugged that thoughts because he wants to think just Jungkook. Just him.

Taehyung then slowly smiles again as he remembered about Jungkook, how Jungkook always called him in the phone asking how he is.. greeting him with a good morning and good night... singing a song for him... Thinking about the song, Taehyung then blink at the tiger plushie as he felt his heart beating fast when he remembered that night.... the night when Jungkook confessed to him through singing... the night when he heard a genuine I love you from Jungkook and Taehyung can't help but to felt his cheeks heating up as he felt tingles in his heart as he's now smiling shyly at the tiger plushie. Taehyung knows that him and Jungkook didn't talked about it, they didn't talked about that topic and Taehyung don't know why but he felt happy, knowing that it was his bestfriend... his bestfriend don't want him to worry about his feelings cause maybe Jungkook thinks that he don't felt the same way and that's makes Taehyung to chuckles a bit, imagining Jungkook debating himself if he should talk about it to Taehyung or not and that's makes Taehyung to just chuckles, finding himself crazy about thinking Jungkook.

Taehyung then look up to the wall and just smiles, still thinking everything about Jungkook and to what he feels. He surely knows that he was inlove to Jungkook and he thinks that maybe this is the time... it's almost days when he found out that he was inlove too to his bestfriend so he thinks this is really the time... the time to confessed what he feel too... the time to tell him how much he loves him too...

Taehyung then found himself now smiling brightly as he happily nod to himself, heart still beating fast as he stand up with a smiles as he went to his closet finding his black hoodie and jeans to quickly change and went for him.

Yes, went for him. Taehyung was now really ready to get out to his room, he thinks and feel that he's already heal now even though it's just days but he thinks this is the time... he wants to be genuinely happy again... he wants Jungkook to felt genuinely happy too... and he can't wait anymore... He can't wait to tell Jungkook how much he loves him too.

Taehyung then went out to bathroom and strip his shirt and he was about to put his hoodie but he stop when his eyes landed on his neck making him raised his hand and he touched it... where the ugly marks was there before but now it's faded and Taehyung can't be more happy. He was so glad that the ugly marks are already healed and he don't want to see it, he don't want to remember it anymore... so Taehyung just smiles as he quickly wear his black hoodie and change his pjyamas to jeans, washing his face and cleaning everything his face until he was satisfied before he went out to bathroom with a bright smiles and felt just happy.

Taehyung then took the duplicate keys on Jungkooks house from his nightstand just incase before he went out to his room and went out to their house with a smiles on his face because after 3 days, he was now on the outside world lol. Taehyung then chuckles leaving once last glance to their house before he happily walked to Jungkooks house.

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