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It's been three days has passed and the both boys are in their own house, they didn't see each other, they didn't talked after what happened that night. They didn't talked, they didn't message each other, they didn't. They're just lost in their thoughts and to what they feel. And Jungkook respect that, he respect if Taehyung don't want to talk about it but he can't help but to felt pain in his heart, he's in pain because he misses him, he wants to hold him but now he's scared to do it. He's scared.

Taehyung on the other hand, suddenly remembered what happened to him after that night... when he went back to his house and suddenly cried to his room all night because of what he feel. He don't know what happen to him, he just cried because of so many emotions, he still feels overwhelmed. Taehyung then sigh for the 100th times as he pout, slumping his shoulder and just look down at his blanket. It's already afternoon, and he don't know what to do. He's just still lost in his thoughts, and to what he feels, he's still thinking everything. About his boyfriend and his bestfriend. Thinking about his bestfriend, he can't help but to felt an ache in his heart and he felt confused why he's feeling this right now for his bestfriend where in fact it should be because of his boyfriend, but he didn't. He didn't felt an ache anymore while thinking at his boyfriend, well, he didn't felt anything but only angry while thinking about his boyfriend thou and it's really confusing to him like why only angry?? Like he should feel longing or miss him like yeah whyyyy?

Taehyung then pout as he blink, heart still felt heavy while thinking his bestfriend, but he don't know what to do to make his feeling better. He don't know.

Thinking about his boyfriend again, Taehyung then furrowed his brows as he suddenly felt an anger in his heart remembering what happened to their last date and everything what happened to them. When Bogum always called him just once or twice a week for a sweet date then after that he'll wait again, when he always message his boyfriend but Bogum didn't give atleast a super fast reply, when Bogum always saying what he don't like about him when they were on a date and it's a stupid for him to just realized now that why the hell he didn't said a word to Bogum before? when Bogum said that word that he was boring to him, when Bogum keep pleasing him to buy the lace panties which is he don't want, when Bogum bumped his shoulder hard to his that makes him to felt his heart ache and cry that time, and until now Bogum still didn't message him or atleast apologize to him, the time when Bogum always do something uncomfortable to him, when he cried so much because of how he hurt and the reason is Bogum and when he always say the eight letters to him but he never heard it back from him. He remembered it.

Taehyung didn't realize that he's now clenching the blanket tightly and crying... And when he suddenly realized that he was crying, he then deeply furrowed his brows to himself and just harshly wipe his tears by the back of his hand. Taehyung knows that he's not crying because of love, he's not crying because of longing to his boyfriend. He surely sure that he's crying because of anger, he's crying because he really felt so mad at his boyfriend, Bogum. And Taehyung can't help but to felt disgusted by just thinking that Bogum is his boyfriend, because he never felt that Bogum is his. He never felt it. Never.

Taehyung then pout as he suddenly cries in angry, hitting his knee with his fist. He don't know but he wants to shout at Bogum's face how much he hates it, how much he's mad at him. He wants. He just want to let it out now how much he was mad. He is mad at Bogum and to himself, because he knows that there's something going on about his boyfriend but he didn't ask it, he never ask it. He wants to ask Bogum if he truly love him but he was scared, so he was trusting himself that Bogum is love him which honestly he feels is all lie. Because the truth is, he never felt loved, comfort by his boyfriend, it's just him who always tell to himself that Bogum is okay with him. It's just him.

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