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"You said he's coming here to picked you up right?"

Taehyung then nod his head cutely and smiles excitedly at the elder making Jungkook to just smiles but deep inside he's sad. So fucking sad.

They're now sitting back at the couch again while waiting for Taehyung's boyfriend. Taehyung on the other couch with Jungkook infront. Taehyung is already dressed with his casual clothes, a hoodie and just just black jeans only. It's his one of his clothes that on Jungkooks closet. Jungkook on the other hand noticed that Taehyung is all smiley since after he cried this morning and he can't help but to just smiles sadly as he felt an ache in his heart knowing that the younger is excited to meet his boyfriend.

"So excited to meet him hmm?" - Jungkook asked teasingly making Taehyung to look at him and just smiles widely, boxy smiles fully display that Jungkook admit he loves to always to see.

"Of course!" - As Taehyung said that and giggles, his phone suddenly vibrate making him quickly took his phone in his hoodie pocket and he smiles brightly as he squeals when he saw that it's a text from his boyfriend

"Waaa!! He's here Ggukie!" - Taehyung squeals not so loudly making Jungkook to just smiles at the adorable younger while his heart aching as it felt sad because the younger will leave him... again...

Then suddenly the doorbell ring making Taehyung to suddenly stand excitedly as he giggles looking at Jungkook making Jungkook to just chuckles at Taehyung's adorableness as he stand up too and he started to walk to the door with Taehyung behind him, feeling excited.

Jungkook then open the door with a heart beats fast as it aches revealing a tall man who's smiling brightly too making Taehyung to just smiles brightly and walk passed to Jungkook and hug his boyfriend tightly making Bogum to just chuckles holding Taehyung closer to him by his waist making Jungkook to just poke the wall of his cheeks by his tounge as he's feeling a pang on his chest at the sight.

"Hey baby" - Bogum said as he chuckles softly, swaying Taehyung's body slightly making Taehyung to just giggles and pulled away from him with a bright smiles

"I missed you Gummie!" - Taehyung said as he wrap his arms tightly around Bogum's neck while looking at him with heart eyes making Jungkook to suddenly bite his lips as he still smiling sadly, feeling his heart so heavy at the sight

The sight was so cute but for him... or course not. Taehyung holding tightly the other man while looking at him with soft heart eyes while the other holding his love tightly by his waist while looking softly too at the younger eyes but with a hidden emotion. Jungkook can't help... he can't help but to suddenly felt his heart in pain as he suddenly felt his small tears that brimming in the edge of his eyes.

Jungkook then coughed fakely as he smiles a bit, gaining the attention of the lovebirds making Taehyung to just smiles shyly at Jungkook while Bogum just wiggle his brows at Jungkook a gesture of 'hey' making Jungkook to just chuckles.

"We're going now Jeon, thanks for taking care of my boyfriend" - Bogum said not forgetting to say that word to Jungkook making Jungkook to just chuckles, slightly rolling his eyes at what Bogum said while Taehyung just giggles, looking at the two

"It's fine. Enjoy the date" - Jungkook said smiling a bit as he wiggle his brows but deep inside he wants to slam the door right now to what he feel. Bogum then chuckles and just nod at him, guiding Taehyung's waist now to walk outside of the door but before they took a step Taehyung stop and quickly turned around to Jungkook and smiles brightly making Jungkook to just smiles softly, heart suddenly felt happy a bit because he knows... the younger is happy...

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