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"Gladly" - Bogum said smirking and didn't waste a time to lift Taehyung up, carrying him on his shoulder making Taehyung eyes grew bit, heart beating fast because of scared, nervous as he hit Bogum's back and shout-

"What the fuck!!! Let go of me you monster!! Put me down!!! Bogum!! Don't!!! No!!!" - Taehyung shout with his heart felt so uneasy and scared because he suddenly remembered his bad dreams before about him.. that Bogum will touch him inappropriately, hitting Bogum's many times and wiggling his body to release his body from Bogum but it didn't help because Bogum is so much stronger than him. Bogum on the other hand chuckles in a devil tone as he walk upstairs to Taehyung's room as he slap Taehyung's ass making Taehyung eyes grew, felt crying because he really felt so scared, nervous, he's shaking up because Bogum touch him, molested him

Taehyung then hit him many times, shouting for help and already crying because of scared and nervousness and after a few seconds when Bogum reached his room, he then throw Taehyung's body in his bed making Taehyung just cry, shaking, and raising his hand, stopping Bogum of what he's going to do but Bogum didn't give a fuck as he chuckles, enjoying the crying mess beautiful boy on the bed.

"B-Bogum please no, p-please no.." - Taehyung pleaded as he hugged his knees, raising his hand and trying to stop Bogum but Bogum just smirk and pulled out his black shirt that makes Taehyung eyes grew as he cried so loudly, shouting for help as he still rasing his hand from stopping Bogum.

"B-Bogum no!! Please N-No! O-Ohmygod no!!! Help meeeee!!!!" - Taehyung cries as he hiccup, bad dreams flashing on his mind while still raising his hand to stop Bogum but Bogum just smirk, still standing there shirtless, enjoying the crying boy in front of him, and the sight of Taehyung's crying making him hard, he don't know why but he enjoyed it

"I didn't even started and you're already crying from pleasure sweetheart" - Bogum chuckles smirking as he crawl to the crying boy making Taehyung shout so loud, backing away, and pushing Bogum's shoulder but Bogum didn't even moved back and just smirk, trapping Taehyung's legs, knee and body, looking at Taehyung.

"No! Bogum!! N-No please no!! D-Don't do this!!" - Taehyung shout in Bogum's face as he cries so hard, feel so scared right now, still pushing Bogum away who didn't even moved and just licked his lips, obviously eating the boy in his eyes

Taehyung was crying mess now, he was so scared of what will going to happen to him. He was so fucking scared that he can't do anything but to just cry and shout asking for help but he felt already helpless because he knows that he was living in a subdivision which is there's no people around and that's makes Taehyung cried so hard more. He really felt so scared.

Bogum then chuckles, eyeing the boy so closer to him, who's crying loudly and still shouting. The way Taehyung's eyes now swollen plus his lips is swollen because of crying makes him hard. He don't know but he loves to see Taehyung crying, maybe crying because of his pleasure.

"God slut, you making me hard" - Bogum said as he groan feeling his hard making Taehyung eyes just grew, felt heart beating fast as he felt so scared and just cried, still pushing Bogum away who just smirk before he pinned Taehyung arms to the headboard making Taehyung to just cried, moving his body from Bogum but it didn't help.

Bogum then chuckles, taking Taehyung's jaw firmly to look up at him, he loves to see Taehyungs teary eyes, it makes him hard as fuck that makes him groan.

"So fucking pretty slut for me.." - Bogum mumbles as he smirk, leaning closer to Taehyung's jaw and letting his lips to taste the skin that he was craving for so long

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