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1 week has passed and everything was fine. Well except to the pouty boy who's sitting on his bed and staring at his window while holding his phone. Taehyung felt sad, well not really sad. He missed his boyfriend, he don't know why Bogum didn't read his messages and he's always out of reach but he understands it because his boyfriend tell him that he'll be busy attending meeting his dad to their company. Yes, even though Bogum was still young but his dad wants Bogum to learn early about their company and he understands Bogum's reason, well that's not only Bogum's reason.

Taehyung sigh as he pout, still staring at the window. Now, he wants to call or text his bestfriend too but he don't know why right now he kinda can't do it because of thinking... maybe he's with Lisa.. maybe they were dating... and that's makes Taehyung frown at the thought of his bestfriend looking so happy with Lisa.

Taehyung then sigh and pout, blinking at the sky in the window and after a few seconds he was startled and quickly look down when his phone ring making him blink as he look at his phone and he smiles slowly when he saw who's the caller making him answer the calls and smiles.

"Jiminie!" - Taehyung said smiling brightly as he called his one of his bestfriend name who he miss so much

"Hey taebear! Miss you so much omg!" - Jimin said as he pout, excitedly talking to his friend

"How are you Minnie? How's vacation?"

"Well yeah it's fun and kinda boring but thank God we already went back home like right now! Gosh"

Taehyung eyes grew a bit as he chuckles making Jimin to chuckles too on the other line.

"Miss you too Minnie, good thing you're already here! We can hangout nooooow" - Taehyung said excitedly as he bounce at his bed making Jimin to chuckles on the other line

"Well yeah that's one of the reason why I called you thou, just wanna tell you we're going to the beach with the squad for 3 days!!!" - Jimin said as he squeals making Taehyung eyes grew big as he smiles widely, feeling excited at the news

"Ohmygod for real?! Ohmygod when?!" - Taehyung squeals too making Jimin to just chuckles, feeling excited too

"Well, the next other day taebear. Tell to Jungkook and let's meet each other next day OMGGGGGGG!" - Jimin squeals again as he chuckles making Taehyung to just nod and mumble a yes yes yes to Jimin making Jimin to chuckles and bid a goodbye and end the call

Taehyung then squeals as he giggles, rolling down on his bed, feeling excited to a 3 days trip on beach with his friends.

"I should tell this to Ggukie!" - Taehyung said as he excitedly got up with a bright smiles and quickly changed to his white hoodie and jeans, quickly walking downstairs with a bright smiles and saw his mom who's looking at him smiling, confused why his son look so excited

"Mom!" - Taehyung said as he quickly hug his mom who's just smiling and hug back his son

"Why hmm? You look so happy my love" - Taehyung's mom said as she pulled away, caressing Taehyung's cheeks who's smiling brighy and nod at his mom

"Yes mom! I'm happyyyyy! Jiminie called me, he said we're going to a 3 days trip on the beach!" - Taehyung said, smiling brightly making his mom to chuckles and nod at him, feeling happy that his son will go to a trip with his friends

"I'm happy for you baby, you should enjoy that hmm" - Taehyung's mom said, wiggling her brows making Taehyung's smiles as he nod multiple times making his mom to chuckles

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