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It's Sunday, and the two bestfriend are now sitting on the couch while watching Venom movie. Taehyungs head resting on Jungkooks shoulder while the other just munching the popcorn while watching. Taehyung then pout coz there's a thought running on his mind, he wants to let it out but he don't want too and it sucks for him. He then look up at Jungkook and he was met with Jungkooks sharp jaw and he can't help but to in awe because his bestfriend really have a good shape and handsome face. He then slowly smiles as he unconsciously raised his fingers and trace Jungkooks jaw making Jungkook to blink, feeling Taehyung's touch as he slowly smiles and just didn't mind it and just watch the movie.




"You should find a girlfriend Ggu"

Jungkook then suddenly stiffen as he stop munching the popcorn, he then blink, slowly looking down at Taehyung who's looking at him with a small smiles making him blink again and remembering what just Taehyung said to him making his heart suddenly felt an ache but knowing that Taehyung wants him to have a girlfriend and it's makes Taehyung happy then why not even though his heart will break a million times. Jungkook then let out a smiles even though he's sad at the thought.

"Should I?" - Jungkook ask as he smiles making Taehyung suddenly felt weird but he smiles and just nod quickly

"Yes, I want you to be happy Ggu, it's time for you to have special someone in your life" - Taehyung said smiling brightly but he don't know why he suddenly felt an ache in his heart at the thought, he don't know...

Jungkook on the other hand, just smiles, looking at the younger, finding if Taehyung is really sure to what he's saying but he didn't find any doubt on Taehyung's face and that's makes his heart ache because he just thought days ago that Taehyung is jealous because of the girls but now... Taehyung is telling him now to find a girlfriend. It's hurts for him, but he can't show it to Taehyung so he just smiles with his bunny teeth display before he nod.

"Yeah I will, maybe later at night or tomorrow, I'll go find one on a dating site" - Jungkook said as he wiggle his brows, smiling making Taehyung to just smiles but felt shock inside because he didn't expect that the elder will really do it making him suddenly felt weird again in his chest

"I-I mean if you just want... I-I'm not forcing you thou" - Taehyung said as he smiles, silently hoping to Jungkook to don't find someone on a dating site, he don't know why, he's stupid

Jungkook on the other hand just chuckles and look back at the movie with his heart suddenly aching, but he need to do it. Yes he knows he's not a Taehyung's puppet but he'll surely do whatever the younger wants because he love him. And he thinks that finding a girlfriend is kinda good idea, maybe it will help him to forget his love for Taehyung even though he don't know if his feelings for Taehyung will fade or didn't.

"I want thou" - Jungkook shortly said and smiles while watching the movie and that's makes Taehyung felt a suddenly pang on his chest, he don't know but he suddenly felt sad and want to take back his words that he suggest to the elder but he thinks, he's late coz now his bestfriend will really find someone for him.

Taehyung then slightly gulp as he blink and just look back to the movie with his heart and tummy feeling weird but he knows he's sad and he don't know why. He then blink and just think positively, he wants the elder to be happy, he really wants.

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